Tag: Vivian Silver

Families of victims from the Oct. 7 attack in Israel, including peace activists killed by Hamas, are pleading for peace and condemning the ongoing violence in the region.
Israeli peace activist Vivian Silver, dedicated to Arab-Jewish partnership and peace, was tragically killed by Hamas terrorists.
2023 has been a year marked by the loss of several influential Jewish figures.
Despite the challenges faced by Jews in 2023, Jewish feminists continued to make strides and advocate for gender equality.
Vivian Silver, a renowned peace activist, was killed in a Hamas attack in October 2021 at Kibbutz Beeri.
Canadian peace activist Vivian Silver, who was tragically murdered by Hamas terrorists, was honored in Israel with a public memorial service at Kibbutz Gezer, a community she helped found.
In this article, the author addresses the struggle of supporting Israel when there is a lack of trust in its government.
Vivian Silver, an Israeli-Canadian peace activist, was tragically murdered by Hamas during a massacre in southern Israel.
Vivian Silver, a remarkable and influential individual, was mourned at her funeral in Kibbutz Gezer.
Relatives of Israeli hostages captured by Hamas on Oct. 7 expressed frustration with the lack of pressure to free their loved ones and accused the Israeli government of not providing them with sufficient information or protection.
Vivian Silver, a Canadian peace activist held hostage by Hamas, is believed by her close friend to prefer a non-violent release through mediation or negotiation rather than violent raids.
The Canadian government has initiated an emergency mission to evacuate citizens caught in the conflict between Israel and Hamas, with hundreds scheduled to be flown from Tel Aviv to Greece amid ongoing rocket attacks.
Vivian Silver, a 74-year-old Canadian-Israeli peace activist, was confirmed dead after being killed during the October 7th attack by Hamas in Kibbutz Beeri.