Tag: Xenophobia

The article discusses the importance of Refugee Shabbat, an event organized by HIAS, which aims to advocate for compassionate refugee policies.
Menachem Daum, a pioneering Orthodox Jewish filmmaker, has passed away at the age of 77.
National Refugee Shabbat is set for March 20-21, 2020, prompting discussions on the refugee crisis amidst rising xenophobia.
In 2017, far-right parties like Germany's Alternative for Germany (AfD) and Austria's Freedom Party (FP) gained significant electoral success fueled by anti-immigrant and xenophobic sentiments.
Noah Efron, Don Futterman, and Haaretz International Director Charlotte Halle discuss three significant topics in Israel, including the country's contemplation of paying African asylum seekers to leave for Rwanda, which raises questions about addressing issues or succumbing to xenophobia.
The essay delves into the issue of racism within Judaism, exploring how religious particularism can contribute to prejudicial attitudes and xenophobia.