Tag: Yamim Noraim

The Gemara raises the question of how Moshe, who wrote the Torah, could have written the final eight verses that describe his own death.
This text appears to be a list of different individuals who have participated in a discussion or lecture series on the topic of the upcoming Jewish year, 5784.
The author shares a creative way to get into the spirit of Rosh HaShana by creating a YouTube playlist of the tunes used in their shul, which has a significant number of people from the UK.
As we approach Rosh Hashanah, the Hebrew month of Elul serves as a time of spiritual preparation for the Days of Judgment.
The article discusses the concept of Hashgachah pratis, or Divine Providence, and how it relates to our observance during the Yamim Noraim (Days of Awe).
The author reflects on the importance of self-scrutiny and introspection during the month of Elul leading up to the High Holidays.
In this column on Everyday Kindness, two stories are highlighted that reflect acts of compassion and selflessness.
The article discusses a Talmudic passage that presents a debate about whether one should confess and atone for sins that have already been confessed and atoned for in the past.
The article discusses the individualized aspects of the Shalosh Regalim, the three pilgrimage holidays in Judaism (Pesach, Shavuot, and Sukkot).
The text discusses the concepts of baseless hatred (sinat hinam) and praying with sinners within the Jewish tradition.
"Return and Renewal: Reflections on Teshuva and Spiritual Growth" is a collection of twelve teshuva derashot by Rav Aharon Lichtenstein, previously offered from 1985 to 2010.
The article reflects on the pivotal decisions made by Jewish baseball legends Hank Greenberg and Sandy Koufax to sit out important games for Yom Kippur, highlighting their impact on the Jewish and American cultural landscape.
Sukkot holds a unique place among Jewish holidays, embodying a double identity that reflects both repentance and growth.