Tag: Yemenite Jews

In the shadow of Mount Kilimanjaro lies a clandestine Jewish community in Arusha, Tanzania, led by Yehudah Kahalani, dedicated to keeping their Jewish identity alive.
The Tel Aviv Port Market is honoring the king of local pastries, jachnun, by hosting a festival dedicated to the popular Jewish-Yemenite dish.
Soft matzah, although not new, has become more commercially available in recent years.
The text discusses the author's experiences visiting Yemen in the 1980s, particularly focusing on documenting the lives of the Jewish communities there through photography.
"Rescued by the Tufts of Their Hair" by Rav Haim Sabato takes readers through the story of Tzion, a soldier, and his journey from a poor orphan in Hatikvah Quarter to studying in the Bnei Akiva yeshivah near Netanya under Rav Moshe Zvi Neria.
The article discusses the significance of challah and its variations for different Jewish communities.