Tag: Yeshiva Students

In the charedi world, there is a belief that yeshiva students play a crucial role in winning the war, either by providing merit or by actually fighting against evil forces.
Amid the ongoing war with Hamas in Gaza, there has been a surprising increase in the number of Haredi men volunteering to serve in the Israeli army.
In this article, the author discusses the issue of military service exemptions for Charedi Jews in Israel.
"Shababnikim" is an Israeli sitcom that follows the lives of four yeshiva students as they navigate contemporary Israel.
The debate over whether Torah scholars should be exempt from military service in Israel has a long history rooted in Talmudic texts.
The Israeli government is pushing ahead with plans to draft ultra-Orthodox men into the army, potentially leading to jail time for draft refusers, a move that has sparked intense controversy among the Haredi community.
In "Up in Smoke," Shalom Auslander humorously recounts a surreal encounter with an ultra-Orthodox rabbi who informs him that he is no longer considered Jewish due to his perceived irreverence and lack of observance.