Tag: Yeshiva Students

The letter signed by prominent Sephardic rabbis in Israel, including members of Shas, opposes the drafting of yeshiva students into the army, highlighting a shift in the traditionally accepted arrangements regarding military service for Haredi Jews.
After the death of Saadia Dery, a soldier in the reserves and aide to the author's son who was killed in Gaza, there was a gathering at the Dery home in the West Bank where Israeli Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu and other officials paid their respects.
Israel's Supreme Court has issued a groundbreaking ruling mandating that haredi Orthodox Jews must serve in the army, ending a long-standing exemption for yeshiva students.
The controversy surrounding an "Antisemitic" cartoon in Mekor Rishon depicts a charedi yeshiva student atop a wounded soldier, highlighting the exemption of charedim from IDF service and their belief that Torah study protects soldiers.
The text criticizes a recent statement by the Moetzes Gedolei Torah of Agudas Yisrael in America, highlighting logical and historical contradictions in their position on military service and Torah study.
The text discusses the controversy surrounding the issue of yeshiva students being drafted into the IDF, particularly in the perspective of Charedi rabbis who oppose such drafts.
A proposal has emerged from Charedi parties in Israel suggesting drafting approximately 25% of yeshiva students annually, possibly rising to nearly 50%, a significant departure from longstanding opposition to the draft due to concerns about impacting religious practice.
In a response to Sephardic Chief Rabbi Yitzhak Yosef's opposition to forced conscription of yeshiva students, Rabbi Dr. Tamir Granot discusses his son, Amitai, who voluntarily enlisted in the army and was killed in the line of duty against Hezbollah.
The debate in Israel regarding the military draft of Haredi yeshiva students has intensified as exemptions have expired, leading to court orders barring subsidies and potential future draft enforcement.
In a recent discussion on the podcast, Allison Kaplan Sommer, Don Futterman, and Noah Efron touch on two significant topics - the shifting strategies of hostage families aligning with election campaigns and a Supreme Court decision cutting funding for ultra-Orthodox Yeshiva students who prioritize studying over military service.
In response to the Israeli government's decree to draft yeshiva students into the IDF, certain religious leaders are considering extreme measures to secure exemptions to ensure the survival of Torah education.
Rav Moshe Hillel Hirsch expresses the Charedi viewpoint that Torah study is crucial for Israel's existence, opposing mandatory army service for Charedi youth, fearing threats to Torah study.
Israel is facing a contentious battle over military draft exemptions for its Haredi population, with the High Court nearing the end of a policy excusing most Haredi men from compulsory military service.
The Israeli High Court of Justice has ruled to end the longstanding exemption of Haredi men from the mandatory military draft, sparking uncertainty about the government's response and the implementation of the new policy.
Beri Weber, known for his successful music career with nine albums and performances at luxury weddings worldwide, also serves as a rosh yeshivah for bochurim in need.
The discussion revolves around the ongoing tensions within the Charedi community in Israel regarding the draft of Yeshiva students into the IDF.
The article discusses the contradiction within the Charedi community in Israel regarding their beliefs in divine providence and the importance of taking practical actions, particularly in the context of elections.
The Israeli society is facing a crisis in manpower for the IDF, exacerbated by the reluctance of the charedi community to share the burden of military service, causing resentment among other Israelis.
The author discusses her experience as a parent in Israel, where she and her husband had to choose a specific religious community for their children to be a part of.
The charedi (ultra-Orthodox) community is currently facing a crisis due to the shortage of manpower in the Israeli Defense Forces (IDF).
Rav Shlomo Yosef Zevin, a prominent rabbinic authority, wrote a letter about whether yeshiva students should be drafted into the army.
A group of young Israeli rabbinical students have been charged in connection with a disturbance at Chabad Lubavitcher headquarters in Crown Heights, Brooklyn.
Five young men, identified as Israeli rabbinical students, have been charged in connection with a disturbance at Chabad Lubavitcher headquarters in Brooklyn.
A group of yeshiva students at Chabad Lubavitch headquarters in Brooklyn, known as meshichisten, dug a tunnel to dispose of debris from an unauthorized expansion of the synagogue onto a neighboring property.
In this article, Rav Dovid Leibel discusses the issue of charedim (ultra-Orthodox) and their participation in the Israeli Defense Forces (IDF).