Tag: Yeshivah

An urgent fundraising effort was launched in response to the Israeli High Court's decision to cut off government funding to yeshivos, resulting in a shortfall of over $100 million.
Rav Gershon Edelstein, a revered figure in the yeshivah world, passed away at the age of 100, leaving behind a legacy of quiet influence and profound Torah knowledge.
Rav Yitzchok Soloveitchik, a scion of the Beis Halevi, established a renowned kollel in Jerusalem that started as a yeshivah for American bachurim.
The text features a collection of letters and reflections from readers published in Mishpacha Magazine.
Rabbi Volf Greenglass, a revered mashpia in Montreal, played a crucial role in establishing and guiding the Chabad yeshivah in the city, defying initial skepticism from prominent figures like Samuel Bronfman.
Rabbi Yaakov Klein, an Orthodox rabbi, is introducing elements of early Chasidism into British Jewry through his work at Ner Israel congregation in Hendon.
A mother is grappling with accommodating her married son and his growing family during Pesach visits when space is tight in her home, leading to a dilemma about guest room priority.
In this article, Meir Kaplan, a young man from a background where technology use is discouraged, seeks guidance from his rebbi, Yossie, to purchase a smartphone.
Meir, a 22-year-old yeshivah student, grapples with the dilemma of needing a smartphone for personal downtime, particularly to follow sports, while seeking his father's approval, which was withheld due to the family's insular environment.
Dr. Miri Freud-Kandel's new book delves into the life and legacy of Rabbi Louis Jacobs, a prominent UK Jewish scholar who challenged Orthodox doctrine by asserting that the Torah was not directly dictated by God.
The article discusses the question of whether studying Torah takes precedence over other important obligations in Judaism.
Rav Gershon Neumann, a revered rosh yeshivah, rav, and posek, passed away at the age of 76.
In this excerpt from a novel, David Rothkopf, a wealthy man negotiating a real estate deal, is interrupted by his estranged father, Yoel Hertz, who comes to ask him for help in saving his son's yeshiva.
The story revolves around David Rothkopf, a successful businessman who suddenly encounters his father, Yoel Hertz, after many years of absence.
The author reflects on their youthful religious experiences in yeshiva and the misconception that those years are the pinnacle of religious growth.
The article discusses the resurgence of nicotine use among Jewish teens through e-cigarettes like Juul.
The article explores the blurring of boundaries between Halakhah and Aggadah in the Talmud, highlighting the multifaceted nature of the text that combines legal and narrative elements seamlessly.