
The author reflects on her father's ability to evade death multiple times and contemplates the inevitability of losing loved ones as they age.
In a guest essay by Michael Oren, former Israeli ambassador to the United States, the importance of Israel's role in preserving the memory of the Holocaust is discussed in relation to current geopolitical challenges.
Over 150 Jewish creatives, including notable figures like Elliot Gould, Joaquin Phoenix, and Ilana Glazer, have rallied in support of director Jonathan Glazer's Oscars speech condemning Israel's occupation of Palestinian territory and calling for a permanent ceasefire in the Israel-Hamas conflict.
Israeli actor Amit Rahav, known for his roles in "Unorthodox" and "We Were the Lucky Ones," discusses his connection to Holocaust stories and Jewish culture.
The AJC's award-winning Remembering Pittsburgh series delves into the aftermath of the tragic shooting at the Tree of Life synagogue on October 27, 2018, and its impact on the Jewish community in Pittsburgh and globally.
Hulu's series "We Were the Lucky Ones," based on the book by Georgia Hunter, follows the Kurc family in Poland during the Holocaust.
Curt Bloch, a German Jewish artist and poet, resisted the Nazis during World War II by creating a satirical magazine called The Underwater Cabaret while in hiding in the Netherlands.
Six months after the October 7 massacre where a significant loss of Jewish lives occurred, and six months of hostages being held, there is a call to remember how the current conflict in Gaza began with Hamas's actions.
The New England Journal of Medicine (NEJM) has acknowledged its past endorsements of Nazi medical practices and slow response to Nazi Germany's antisemitic abuses in a historical retrospective.
Violinist and composer Alison Cotton uncovered the remarkable story of Ida and Louise Cook, two music-loving sisters from Sunderland who saved 29 Jews from the Nazis during the 1930s.
Rabbi Dovid Kornreich, reflecting a minority perspective within the charedi community influenced by anti-Zionist elements, argues against the value of Jewish sovereignty and opposes charedi military service in Israel.
Joseph Werk, a 97-year-old Holocaust survivor from New Jersey, has led a remarkable life of service and resilience.
"Hulu's 'We Were the Lucky Ones' features Brazilian Holocaust hero Ambassador Souza Dantas, who saved around 800 people during the war, including 425 Jews, by forging visas and aiding refugees. The show portrays Dantas' humanitarian efforts, depicting a pivotal moment where a Jewish character seeks his help for escape, showcasing Dantas' courage and kindness. Despite facing challenges from his government, Dantas selflessly risked his life to help those in need, emphasizing his Christian sense of mercy. His story of compassion and heroism is a poignant addition to the Jewish narrative depicted in the series, highlighting his impact on saving numerous lives during the Holocaust."
Mia Faye Kreindler, a daughter of a Jewish father and a German mother, shares her journey of grappling with her identity, particularly in relation to her mixed heritage and the legacy of the Holocaust.
Jewish comedian Lena Dunham recently discovered her family's Holocaust history on the PBS show Finding Your Roots.
Amsterdam's public tram company, GVB, announces the placement of memorials at key locations where it transported Dutch Jews to the Nazis during the Holocaust and pledges 100,000 Euros in donations to local Jewish groups.
"Hulu's 'We Were the Lucky Ones' shifts the focus to Jewish protagonists in a Holocaust narrative, deviating from the common portrayal of non-Jewish heroes in such stories. Showrunner Erica Lipez, along with director Thomas Kail and author Georgia Hunter, aimed to center the Jewish experience by highlighting the Kurc family's survival through luck and ingenuity during World War II. The series, praised for its Jewish representation and authenticity, features a predominantly Jewish cast and portrays holiday scenes with emotional accuracy. By showcasing a different narrative of survival outside concentration camps, the show challenges preconceptions around Holocaust tales, emphasizing the varied experiences of Jewish survivors. Through its portrayal of complex heroism and themes of strength, resistance, and luck, 'We Were the Lucky Ones' offers a poignant and meaningful reflection on Jewish history and triumph in the face of tragedy."
Este fin de semana, Steven Spielberg pronunció un poderoso discurso en la Universidad del Sur de California, donde fue honrado por su labor en preservar la memoria del Holocausto a través de la Fundación Shoah que fundó.
"Georgia Hunter's novel 'We Were the Lucky Ones' delves into her own Jewish family's hidden Holocaust history, following their survival across continents during World War II. The book has now been adapted into a Hulu series, highlighting the Kurc family's remarkable journey through persecution, exile, and ultimate resilience. The show sets itself apart by exploring the period before the Final Solution, showcasing the family's struggles beyond the death camps. Hunter's research journey and connection to her Jewish heritage have been profound, revealing a newfound identity rooted in her family's survival story. The series emphasizes themes of luck, resilience, and love amidst profound tragedy, offering a poignant portrayal of survival and hope."
The article discusses the lives and achievements of several individuals in the Jewish community.
Holocaust survivor Marion Blumenthal Lazan, at 89, was recently honored with Germany's highest civilian award, the Order of Merit, for her tireless efforts in Holocaust education.
Yury Kharchenko, a Russian-born Jewish artist based in Berlin, explores his complex identity as a contemporary Jew through his paintings that combine pop culture references with taboo allusions to the Holocaust.
In 1943, during their time in Terezin concentration camp, Peter Kien and Viktor Ullmann created the symbolic opera "The Emperor of Atlantis" as a reflection on war, dictatorships, and the significance of life and death.
The National Holocaust Museum has opened in Amsterdam, almost 80 years after the Netherlands was liberated from German occupation.
Debbie Weiss shares her personal journey of finding solace and connection in Judaism after her husband's passing.

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