
The text reflects on the shared fate and historical struggles of the Jewish people, drawing parallels between the horrors of Auschwitz and the ongoing threats faced in places like the Gaza Envelope.
The article discusses the impact of state Holocaust education mandates on public schools in the U.S. and how the effectiveness of these mandates varies depending on the schools that implement them.
The 36th annual March of the Living commemoration in Poland, honoring the six million Jews who died in the Holocaust, was marked by protests by pro-Palestinian groups claiming ongoing genocide in the Middle East.
Two Jews, Adam Shor and Eyal Wartelsky, confront the complexities of their Jewish identity through comedy amidst a global resurgence of antisemitism.
During the March of the Living on Yom HaShoah, Holocaust survivors and relatives of Oct. 7 Hamas attack victims highlighted the importance of remembrance.
During World War II, Jewish artists imprisoned in concentration camps and ghettos created art in secret, trading their work for food and hiding pieces in jars and walls.
Jewish tennis player Diego Schwartzman, ranked 142 in the ATP mens rankings, has announced his retirement after the Argentina Open in February 2025, citing the difficulty of maintaining his intensity and enjoyment for the game.
Marsha Lederman, a writer and columnist who is the daughter of Holocaust survivors, explores the concept of intergenerational trauma in her book "Kiss the Red Stairs."
Israel observes a moment of silence nationwide to honor the victims of the Holocaust on Holocaust Remembrance Day.
Dr. Arnold Clevs shares his incredible story of survival during the Holocaust, narrowly escaping being selected by the notorious Nazi doctor Josef Mengele for death.
David Koker, a young poet and translator, arrived with his family at Kamp Vught, a Dutch concentration camp, in 1943 during WWII.
Dr. Arnold Clevs shares his powerful story of surviving the Holocaust, recounting the horrors of 11 Nazi concentration camps and his journey to making aliyah to Israel in a Yom HaShoah special episode of State of a Nation.
Rubin Pinsky, a Canadian Holocaust survivor, escaped a Nazi work camp in 1942 and became a Jewish partisan in Poland, participating in activities like blowing up trains and fighting Nazis.
Jzef Sandel and Hersh Fenster were Jewish art enthusiasts who published encyclopedias in the 1950s, documenting the lives and works of Eastern European Jewish artists who perished in the Holocaust, preserving their legacies.
In the 1950 clemency petitions for Nazi war criminals, arguments contested the tribunals' findings by questioning witness credibility, claiming invalidity of evidence, and denying personal responsibility for crimes due to superior orders or absence during critical moments.
During the tumultuous period of World War II, many Hasidic rebbes and their followers faced difficult choices between staying in their communities or fleeing to safety.
In this episode, the discussion revolves around comparing the events of October 7th with the Holocaust to determine their similarities and whether it is appropriate to include October 7th in Holocaust remembrance.
"Temima Weissmann reflects on the fragments of memory and history in the poems 'Filling In' and 'The Poet of Auschwitz?' In 'Filling In,' she evokes the struggle to comprehend traumatic events like those of 1938. In 'The Poet of Auschwitz?,' she imagines a poet in the concentration camp who found ways to capture the indescribable through creative expression, using even mundane objects like a potato peel to preserve his words. Weissmann poignantly explores the power of language and art in the face of unspeakable horrors."
A video from a Yom Hashoah event in New York City honors the Warsaw Ghetto fighters and commemorates the six million Jews murdered by the Nazis.
Descendants of Holocaust survivors gathered in New York City's Riverside Park on April 19 to honor the Warsaw Ghetto fighters and the six million Jews killed by the Nazis.
The text discusses the relationship between the Holocaust and the creation of Israel, emphasizing that while the Holocaust influenced international support for Israel's formation, realpolitik played a significant role as well.
As Yom HaShoah approaches, the Jewish community prepares to honor Holocaust victims, with this year's observance carrying added significance due to recent events, including the deadliest day for Jews since the Holocaust during the Israel-Hamas war.
The cast and team behind Hulu's "We Were the Lucky Ones" reflect on the emotional finale, shedding tears of joy and grief as the characters reunite after surviving the Holocaust, sharing the names of lost loved ones.
Yom HaShoah, Israel's Holocaust Remembrance Day, holds significant importance this year as it marks the first memorial since Hamas' deadliest attack on Jews since the Holocaust on Oct. 7.

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