
The United States' World Cup match against Slovenia ended in a controversial 2-2 draw due to a disputed call by the referee.
The United States soccer team, featuring three Jewish players, is set to play Slovenia, whose defensive strategy resembles the U.S.'s approach.
Israeli entrepreneurs have found success by capitalizing on the global demand for vuvuzelas, the loud plastic horns used by South African fans during World Cup matches.
The author reflects on the religious experience he feels while watching sports, particularly soccer, drawing parallels between sports events and miracles in the context of religious stories.
Ron Kaplan highlights the presence of three Jewish players, Jonathan Bornstein, Benny Feilhaber, and Jonathan Spector, on the U.S. squad for the 2010 World Cup Finals in South Africa.
Seven new inductees have been welcomed into the National Jewish Sports Hall of Fame, including wrestler Bill Goldberg, Olympic swimmer Jason Lezak, basketball coach Seth Greenberg, judo champion Rusty Kanokogi, volleyball coach Russ Rose, Achilles Track Club founder Dick Traum, and former NFL player Alan Veingrad.
Martin "Blimp" Levy, a morbidly obese Jewish wrestler in the mid-20th century, was discovered working in a sideshow and became known for his massive size, unusual dietary habits, and surprising agility in the ring.
Three Orthodox Jewish men from New Jersey undertook a challenging seven-day climb up Mount Kilimanjaro, motivated by the physical, spiritual, and emotional aspects of the journey.

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