Tag: #Metoo

The text discusses the alarming phenomenon of rape denialism, particularly in the context of the atrocities committed by Hamas on October 7th, 2023, where they engaged in horrific acts of sexual violence against Israeli civilians.
Two Israeli women who spoke out about experiencing sexual abuse while held captive by Hamas in Gaza faced online mockery and dismissal of their claims, highlighting the trauma and stigma surrounding sexual assault survivors.
Sarah Brady, professional surfer and former girlfriend of actor Jonah Hill, shared alleged texts between them on her Instagram stories, revealing Hill's abusive and controlling behavior.
Avremi Zippel, an Orthodox rabbi in Utah, came forward as a survivor of childhood sexual abuse in the wake of the #MeToo movement.
"Love in the Time of Contagion" by Laura Kipnis explores the challenges faced by couples during the COVID-19 lockdown.
An investigation into Rabbi Sheldon Zimmerman, who was suspended by the Central Conference of American Rabbis (CCAR) in 2000, has raised questions about whether the CCAR covered up his sexual misconduct and allowed him to continue serving in Jewish leadership roles for two decades.
"Cat Person" by Kristen Roupenian explores modern relationships and sexual dynamics, focusing on a young woman named Margot and her awkward encounter with Robert.
The essay explores the concept of justice in rabbinic Judaism in light of the #MeToo movement, which has highlighted issues of sexual harassment and abuse.
The response challenges Rabbi Avi Shafran's article claiming that Orthodox women are safer due to gender halachot, highlighting the prevalence of sexual abuse and harassment in Orthodox communities.
The text discusses the #MeToo movement's impact on societal attitudes towards the treatment of women, highlighting the prevalence of sexual abuse and objectification in modern culture.
In a 2018 opinion piece, the author argues that the rush to condemn Woody Allen amid the #MeToo movement overlooks complexities in his case and should be reconsidered from a feminist perspective.
The article discusses the #MeToo movement and its potential transformation into #WeToo, emphasizing the need for real change in addressing sexual harassment and gender dynamics within the Jewish community.