Tag: Agriculture

In "The Magic Ladle: Women, Science, and Nutrition in the History of Israel" by Erela Taharlev Ben-Shachar, the author explores how food, particularly the orange and vegetables, played a significant role in the evolution of the Israeli kitchen and society.
The article details the severe impact of Hamas attacks on Israeli agricultural communities in the western Negev, particularly Kibbutz Beeri, destroying infrastructure, crops, and displacing residents.
The article discusses Uri Alon's connection to Michel Nisenbaum, an employee who was killed by militants in Gaza.
In a guest essay for Future of Jewish, Danielle Abraham recounts her experiences working with ReGrow Israel, an initiative focused on supporting farming communities in the western Negev that were targeted by Hamas during an attack on October 7th.
The author and her family travel to Kibbutz Saad in southern Israel to help with the agricultural crisis caused by the Hamas assault in October.
This article features interviews with four Israeli farmers who observe the shemitah year, a Sabbatical year when farming is prohibited in accordance with Jewish law.
In this episode of the 18Forty Podcast, Ari Bergmann, a PhD and financier, discusses the economic benefits of shemittah, which is the year when the land is allowed to rest.
The video highlights the impact of Shmitah on Israeli farmers and encourages people to donate or support them in fulfilling this mitzvah.
The Jewish Agency for Israel, founded in 1929, played a crucial role in incubating Israel's proto-government, and its officers became ministers upon Israel's declaration of independence.
In this edition, Miriam Herschlag, Ohad Zeltzer-Zubida, and Noah Efron from the Times of Israel discuss the new Israeli government's approach to market-driven agricultural policies and an increase in Kosher certifications.
Weather plays a significant role in our daily lives and prayers, with rain being a key focus during the fall and dew in the spring according to Jewish liturgy.
The article discusses the link between whiskey production, feminism, and the Talmudic tractate of Sotah in the context of Tu B'Shvat.
The author reflects on their transformative experiences working on a farm and studying Torah, highlighting the interconnectedness of farming and Jewish tradition.
"100 Years of Kibbutz: The Story of the Kibbutz Movement" edited by Eliezer Saks commemorates the centennial of the kibbutz movement, tracing its origins with visionary pioneers like Yosef Bussel and Yosef Baratz, who sought communal agricultural life in Palestine for ideological and practical reasons.
Gilad Sharon's book "Settled" delves into his father Ariel Sharon's impactful role in settlement efforts, particularly in Judea, Samaria, and other crucial areas of Israel.