Tag: American Jewish Community

An urgent fundraising effort was launched in response to the Israeli High Court's decision to cut off government funding to yeshivos, resulting in a shortfall of over $100 million.
Rabbi Leon Morris, in his address at Hebrew Union College-Jewish Institute of Religion, stresses the need for a new approach in American Reform Judaism that emphasizes Jewish learning, community cohesion, and a reconnection to Jewish peoplehood.
In the 1940s, amid World War II, the Yiddish Scientific Institute (YIVO) in New York planned a Museum of the Homes of the Past to depict prewar Jewish life in Eastern Europe, but the project was eventually abandoned.
The relationship between Zionism and Liberalism in America is facing strain, especially on the Left which has shifted towards progressivism and criticism of right-wing Israeli policies.
President Biden's recent decision to block some weapons shipments to Israel is not unprecedented, as five of his predecessors had also withheld arms from Israel in the past.
Israeli politicians remained silent about the potential risks of relying on $3 billion in annual military support from the U.S., leading to a crisis when President Biden halted weapons sales to Israel.
Mainline Christian churches are increasingly critical of Israel, with congregations like the Episcopalians and Presbyterians passing resolutions against Israel and promoting anti-Semitic and anti-Israel rhetoric.
A Columbia University discussion featuring students Ilan Cohen and Gabi Frants delves into the campus protests sweeping the nation, particularly focusing on the Palestinian liberation movement and its impact on American Jews.
In the late 19th century, the Russian Empire was home to the largest Jewish population, but violent pogroms led to massive emigration to escape persecution.
Jaclyn Best, a 32-year-old synagogue administrator from Boulder, CO, and a Renewal Jew, shares her struggles navigating discussions around Israel and Palestine within the American Jewish community.
Secretary of State Antony Blinken recently addressed concerns raised by American Jewish leaders in a closed meeting regarding public disagreements between the U.S. and Israel, emphasizing that some disputes necessitate public discussion.
Some Jewish summer camps are under pressure to reconsider their Israel programming, with families at a New York camp urging the exclusion of Israel Day celebrations, citing concerns about the ongoing conflict.
The article discusses the debate within the American Jewish community regarding the criticism of the Israeli government's actions in war, focusing on Senator Schumer's criticism and the call for unity.
The essay, written by Michael Oren, a former Israeli ambassador to the United States, discusses the feeling of loneliness experienced by many Jews in the face of global condemnation, particularly during conflicts involving Israel.
Senator Chuck Schumer's recent speech addressing the Israel-Hamas conflict has sparked controversy and discussion.
Geoffrey Levin's book "Our Palestine Question" sheds light on the suppressed American Jewish dissent on Zionism and concern for Palestinian rights dating back to 1948.
The article discusses the challenges facing the American Jewish community in the aftermath of the conflict in Gaza.
The text reflects on the events of October 7, emphasizing the importance of recognizing both friends and foes clearly.
In this discussion, the challenges of the Israeli-Palestinian conflict, particularly the situation in Gaza, are explored.
The article addresses the need for Jewish summer camps to have nuanced conversations about Israel and Palestine with campers.
This article criticizes the notion of a "moral war" in the context of Israel's military actions in Gaza.
This text is a collection of responses from various individuals reflecting on their beliefs before and after October 7, 2023.
Moment Magazine is reviving its Jewish Political Voices Project (JPVP) for the 2024 presidential election season.
This article calls on American Jews to reconsider their charitable giving and support for institutions that have shown indifference or hostility towards Jewish life and well-being.
In a podcast episode, Jewish Federations of North America President Eric Fingerhut and William Daroff, head of the Conference of American Presidents of Major American Jewish Organizations, discuss the organization of the March for Israel which drew 300,000 people.