Tag: Anti Israel

In discussing the relationship between America, Israel, and the Jewish people, the text highlights a distinction between criticism of Israel and antisemitism, emphasizing that criticism can be valid without being antisemitic.
This text criticizes Irus Braverman's claims about Israel's reintroduction of Mesopotamian fallow deer as an act of violent settler colonialism.
In a lively debate, Rep. Jamaal Bowman accused his primary challenger, George Latimer, of receiving funding from pro-Israel donors, claiming these funders aim to harm democracy.
The author argues against shutting down student protests for Palestine, emphasizing that university is a time for students to develop and express their opinions, even if they may seem misguided.
President Joe Biden will deliver a speech on Yom HaShoah at the U.S. Holocaust Memorial Museum, addressing a rise in antisemitism and campus protests.
Dozens of student anti-Israel protesters at Columbia University in New York City were arrested by police and removed from Hamilton Hall after barricading themselves inside with banners supporting the Intifada.
A Jewish student at Trinity College Dublin highlights concerns about the exclusion of Jewish voices by the Trinity College Dublin Students Union (TCDSU) in its pro-BDS (Boycott, Divestment, and Sanctions) campaign, particularly in relation to the Israeli-Palestinian conflict.
The text discusses the author's frustration with anti-Israel sentiment among some progressive Jewish individuals who criticize Israel, highlighting figures like Ilan Papp, Noam Chomsky, Avi Shlaim, and Naomi Klein.
Extremist rhetoric and actions have escalated among campus anti-Israel protesters, particularly at Columbia University and New York University, where student organizers have been promoting violence against Zionists.
Amidst internal meetings at the State Department, concerns have been raised about U.S. policy towards Israel and Gaza, with some employees advocating for harsher actions against Israel.
The text discusses the controversy surrounding the Biden administration's decision to abstain from a UN Security Council resolution calling for a ceasefire in the conflict between Israel and Hamas in Gaza.
Dear White Staffers, a once-popular Instagram page known for sharing workplace experiences and gossip among lawmakers and their staffers, has transformed into an anti-Israel and arguably antisemitic platform over the past few months.
The article discusses the challenges faced by members of the Congressional progressive group known as the Squad, particularly focusing on Cori Bush of Missouri, who is facing difficulties in her re-election campaign due to trailing behind her opponent Wesley Bell and facing a Department of Justice investigation.
Jeffrey Blutinger, a professor at California State University, Long Beach, recounts being evacuated by police from a lecture at San Jose State University due to a mob of anti-Israel protesters disrupting the event.
The writer discusses the personal evolution of their views on Israel, recounting experiences of conflict with friends holding anti-Israel sentiments.
Keir Starmer, leader of the Labour party in Britain, has shifted his stance on Israel, calling for a full cease-fire in Gaza amid pressure from the anti-Israel left and concerns over losing Muslim voter support.
The text describes various events and issues that occurred in the Jewish world in 2023.
A pro-Palestine mob targeted the Rockefeller Center Christmas tree ceremony in New York City, disrupting the event and engaging in violent confrontations with police officers.
In this podcast episode, the focus is on the recent unexpected Democratic backlash against the anti-Israel rhetoric of the Squad, highlighted by Joe Biden's invitation to Bibi Netanyahu to Washington.
Thirteen New York rabbis have written an article criticizing Congressman Jamaal Bowman for his anti-Israel stance and actions.
The article discusses the recent changes being made to Roald Dahl's children's books in order to make them more inclusive.
The Professional Staff Congress (PSC), the union representing CUNY faculty and staff, passed a resolution in June accusing Israel of massacring innocent Palestinians during the Gaza conflict.
The text raises questions about Joe Biden's recent anti-Israel personnel decisions at the State Department and his refusal to engage with Benjamin Netanyahu.
Unidentified perpetrators vandalized a synagogue in Graz, Austria by spray-painting the words "Free Palestine" and "our country and our language are red lines" on its walls.
The article discusses the presence of the Boycott, Divestment and Sanctions (BDS) movement on college campuses, aiming to divest from companies affiliated with Israel.