Tag: Anti Racism

In a sponsored post on Jewish values by Rabbi David Jaffe and Yehudah Webster, the ongoing practice of justice and equity is highlighted as fundamental in Judaism, emphasizing the Torah's instructions to care for the vulnerable, share resources, and oppose oppression.
Fania Oz-Salzberger's column on humanist Zionism in Moment magazine gained significant attention and praise for offering a nuanced perspective on Zionism in response to those who have branded it as racist.
During the rise of Donald Trump, parallels were drawn by some observers between his political tactics and the nationalism of Slobodan Miloevi, the leader responsible for Serbia's violent conflicts in the 1990s.
The YouTube video explores the Jewish and Black origins of the Skinhead movement before it was infiltrated by White supremacists in the 1980s, featuring discussions with individuals who have been involved in the subculture and share how they fought against hate to preserve the true roots of the movement.
Many UK teachers feel ill-equipped to discuss the Israel-Hamas conflict with students, leading to a lack of understanding and an influx of misinformation from social media platforms.
Blazing Saddles, released 50 years ago, continues to generate controversy due to its use of racial and ethnic jokes, gay stereotypes, and offensive language.
The author points out the contradiction between the progressive emphasis on avoiding offense and the targeting of Jewish students and the Jewish community on college campuses.
The author discusses their observations of a pervasive ideology that has infiltrated American institutions over the past two decades.
The author shares their personal experience with their daughter attending an elite private school in New York City.
Avodah, a Jewish social justice organization based in New York, has launched the Avodah Institute for Social Change to assist Jewish groups in effectively implementing social action projects and advancing social justice issues.
This article discusses the complex relationship between Jews and Blacks, particularly in the context of liberalism and social justice.
The article discusses the financial implications of the ethnic studies curriculum in California and the growing industry surrounding diversity, equity, and inclusion (DEI) programs.
The article discusses the similarities between cancel culture and the tactics of 20th-century communism.
In this personal reflection, the author discusses the concept of regret and its role in their life philosophy.
In this article, the author addresses white Jewish parents and encourages them to talk to their children about police brutality and the current protests.
The question "Is it OK to be white?" has been raised in various contexts, sparking debates and controversies.
The text discusses Europe's historical reliance on war as a driver of growth and development, contrasting it with the current declining fertility rates leading to a loss of energy and vitality.