Tag: Barnard College

The text features first-hand accounts from three Jewish students, Noa Fay, Meirav Solomon, and Zack Singerman, who experienced campus protests related to Israel and Palestine at Columbia University, Tufts University, and The Jewish Theological Seminary.
The article discusses a student's reflection on their sister's negative experiences with antisemitism at Barnard College amid the war in Gaza, leading them to reconsider their college choices based on safety.
Columbia University students, Ilan Cohen and Gabi Frants, will be discussing the protests at their campus during a Zoom call.
Isra Hirsi, the daughter of Rep. Ilhan Omar, has been suspended from Barnard College for participating in anti-Israel protests at Columbia University, leading to her and two other students being informed of their suspension.
Barnard College recently implemented a policy banning students from displaying anything on their dorm room doors, following a lawsuit related to protecting Jewish students from antisemitism.
Barnard College's recent policy banning dormitory door decorations has sparked controversy, with critics arguing it suppresses free speech and diminishes the vibrant community atmosphere on campus.
Barnard College has implemented a ban on messaging on dorm doors following a lawsuit over antisemitism.
Tamar Shames, an educator, shares her passion for helping struggling learners find success in the school system.
In this text, the author informs readers about an upcoming Zoom call featuring two college students, one Palestinian and one Jewish, who will discuss their experiences on campus in light of recent events.
The podcast discusses various instances of dishonesty and challenges within current events, including Secretary of State Blinken's actions, the concept of "over the horizon" intelligence, misleading polls supporting a president with declining approval ratings, and a disturbing incident at Barnard College where observant Jews were asked to compromise their religious beliefs to complete a COVID form.
An Orthodox Jewish student at Barnard College was allegedly advised by Prof. Rachel McDermott against taking a course by Joseph Massad due to his anti-Israel views, suggesting the student explore Jewish history instead.