Tag: Blessings

While Jewish tradition historically viewed eclipses as bad omens, some contemporary American Jews are embracing the opportunity to witness the upcoming total solar eclipse.
The author reflects on the 12th blessing of the Amidah, a curse against enemies in Jewish liturgy.
The tradition of serving symbolic foods on Rosh Hashanah goes back to Talmudic times.
In this episode, the hosts and scholars delve into the significance of Jewish pilgrimages worldwide.
In this article, the author discusses the story of Jacob and Esau from the Torah and reflects on its implications for parenting.
A woman facing surgery to remove her ovaries due to health concerns grapples with the question of which blessing to say in this challenging moment.
The custom of staying up all night to learn Torah on Shavuot is believed to be a way of atoning for our ancestors' failure to be awake during the Revelation at Sinai.
The article discusses the importance of reciting blessings before studying Torah and the role these blessings play in religious continuity.
In episode 164 of TanakhCast, the focus is on discussing the blessings associated with the patriarchs in the Bible.
The Brachos Bee, conceptualized by Rabbi Dovid Price in 1971 and organized by Torah Umesorah, was a competitive event for Orthodox Jewish day schools in New York, inspired by the American spelling bee.
The author reminisces about dressing up as Queen Esther on Purim as a child, finding comfort and a sense of hiding in the costume.
The Mishnah teaches that it is futile to pray to change past events, emphasizing the importance of accepting what has already transpired.