Tag: Canadian Jewish News

The Vancouver Comic Arts Festival banned Israeli-American artist Miriam Libicki due to her past service in the Israel Defense Forces, reversing an earlier decision to allow her participation.
In a debate featured on the Future of Jewish platform, David Matlow, a Toronto-based individual known for his extensive Theodor Herzl memorabilia collection and documentary, discussed the question of who determines who can be considered a Zionist.
Irving Matlow, a 96-year-old member of Toronto's Jewish community, is making Aliyah to Israel, joining 45,000 new immigrants, including over 720 since Hamas attacks in 2023.
The CBC, a government-funded news organization, faced criticism for advising its journalists not to use the terms "terrorists" or "terrorism" without attribution when reporting on Hamas attacking Israel.
The Vancouver Jewish Community Garden, inaugurated after Shavuot, serves as a unique $200,000 initiative located on a rooftop in Vancouver, fostering community engagement and environmental education.
The Winnipeg Holocaust Education Centre, Canada's smallest at 1,000 square feet, has been redesigned to focus on teaching the Holocaust in a more contemporary manner using artifacts and digital technology to share the stories of the 1,050 survivors who settled in Winnipeg.
In a recent episode of The CJN's podcast, "Bonjour Chai," hosts Avi Finegold and Phoebe Maltz Bovy delve into the topic of antisemitism's increasing prevalence in Jewish discourse, exploring why it has become a major focus and what other conversations about Jewish life may be overlooked as a result.
When the COVID-19 pandemic hit and the Canadian Jewish News paused its print edition due to lack of advertising, editor-in-chief Yoni Goldstein spearheaded efforts to modernize and revive the publication after 60 years.
The iconic blue moose menorah, a whimsical design that turned 20 this year, is created by artist Nancy Clarke who has never lit a Hanukkah candle despite producing various animal-shaped menorahs for Judaica stores in North America.
The Canadian Jewish News, a long-standing national publication serving Canadian Jewry, has announced its closure due to economic struggles worsened by the COVID-19 pandemic.
The CJN office is taking a short summer vacation, so the Canadian Jewish Shmooze and Menschwarmers will be on a break for a couple of weeks.