Tag: Christian Nationalism

Legal scholar Noah Feldman discusses the Ten Commandments, Christian nationalism, and the Jewish perspective on church and state issues.
Deborah Zoe Laufer's play "The Last Yiddish Speaker" presents a dystopian world where a Christian Nationalist surveillance state targets Jews, gays, and women, forcing a Jewish family to hide their identity and navigate dangerous circumstances.
Jewish groups are opposing a new Texas law that allows unlicensed chaplains to replace licensed guidance counselors in public schools, with each school board having to decide on the shift by March 1.
The documentary "God and Country," produced by Rob Reiner, delves into the rise of Christian nationalism in the United States, exploring its history from the Cold War era to recent events like the storming of the Capitol on Jan. 6.
This week's Antisemitism Monitor reports on several incidents of antisemitism in different parts of the world.
This week's Antisemitism Monitor highlights several incidents.
A college student and devout Lutheran, Ryan Turnipseed, faced the possibility of excommunication by his church after criticizing the church's new edition of Luthers Large Catechism on Twitter.
Democratic state Rep. Ed Stafman, who is also a rabbi, had his invocation canceled at the Montana state capitol.
With elections approaching in the United States and Israel, Canadian Jews seek insight into the political landscapes of these nations with significant Jewish populations.
Gab, a right-wing social media site known for hosting racist and anti-Semitic content, has launched GabPay, a payment arm that aims to create a parallel Christian economy and eventually a Christian nationalist country.