Tag: Christianity

A recent Ofsted review highlighted significant shortcomings in religious education (RE) in schools across England and Wales, with many schools failing to meet the requirements for teaching RE effectively.
Rabbi Ken Spiro provides a breakdown of Judaism, Christianity, and Islam, analyzing the connections to Israel and highlighting the prevalence of antisemitism.
The essay discusses how the concept of Jews as the "Chosen People" often triggers bigotry and anti-Semitism.
Eugene Korn's book, "Israel and the Nations," explores Jewish-Gentile relations and the evolving theological perspectives on engaging with non-Jewish faiths, particularly Christianity.
Rabbi Shai Held, president of the Hadar Institute and author of "Judaism Is About Love: Recovering the Heart of Jewish Life," challenges the misconception that Christianity is solely about love while Judaism focuses only on law.
In this text, the author discusses the daunting task of combating anti-Semitism.
In this article, Paul Shaviv discusses the current global wave of antisemitism and highlights the historical waves of antisemitism that have shaped our understanding of this phenomenon.
This article discusses the frustration and anger felt by the author regarding portrayals of Jesus as a Palestinian.
The first letter expresses concern about recommending historically Christian colleges for Jewish students, as the writer had negative experiences with missionaries during their childhood.
"Maoz Tzur," a popular Hanukkah song, recounts Jewish history and expresses longing for the restoration of the Temple in Jerusalem.
This article discusses the complexity of defining Judaism and how it doesn't neatly fit into conventional categories.
The media docuseries "The Secrets of Hillsong" focuses on the downfall of the celebrity pastor and the scandals within the Hillsong megachurch in New York City.
The Holy Grail has become a widely recognized symbol, even though it does not appear in the Christian Bible and there is no genuine cult around it.
The He Gets Us campaign, a nondenominational Christian campaign, is running two ads during the Super Bowl in an attempt to make Jesus relatable to modern-day Americans.
In "Like a Son of Man" by Israel Knohl, the author explores the nature of the messianic figure in Judaism and Christianity.
The podcast discusses the transformation of the nice Jewish boy Saul/Paul of Tarsus into a Christian apostle, a figure crucial in the development of Christianity.
Reinhold Niebuhr and Abraham Joshua Heschel, two influential religious figures, formed an unlikely friendship despite their theological differences.
The latest episode of HBO's show "The Rehearsal," hosted by Nathan Fielder, explores the tensions between Christianity and Judaism.
The article discusses the production of Fiddler on the Roof by an all-Mormon cast at Brigham Young University (BYU) and explores the reasons behind the popularity of the musical among non-Jewish communities.
This text discusses the concept of Torah u-Madda (Torah and secular studies) in the Modern Orthodox community.
This episode explores the enduring impact of Spinoza's philosophy on the Western world, highlighting the differences in how Judaism and Christianity approach philosophical questions and engage with general culture.
In 1840, amid a theological dispute within Protestantism regarding the relationship between the Old and New Testaments and Judaism and Christianity, Chief Rabbi Samson Raphael Hirsch challenged the notion of a rational, ethical God in the New Testament contrasted with a tribal, magic-using God in the Old.
The text discusses the idea of giving the baby boomer generation a drug called Chew-Z to envision an alternate reality where Martin Luther King Jr. was not assassinated in 1968, hypothesizing what could have been if King had lived to lead the Poor Peoples Campaign for economic transformation.
The article discusses whether Wagner's racism was as bad as it sounds.
In "The Professor and the Con Man" by Ariel Sabar, the author unravels the story behind the Gospel of Jesus's Wife, a controversial fragment of papyrus that caused a sensation in 2012.