Tag: Civil Rights Movement

In this article, the author addresses white Jewish parents and encourages them to talk to their children about police brutality and the current protests.
In the wake of recent events like the killing of George Floyd, Reverend Anthony Johnson urges the Jewish community to actively help end the murder of innocent Black individuals with the same fervor they show for their own community and Israel.
Bernard Malamud's story "Angel Levine" explores themes of belief, identity, and acceptance through the character of Manischevitz, a Jewish tailor who encounters a black angel in Harlem.
The article discusses the contrasting approaches of Presidents Obama and Trump towards Jewish values and perspectives.
The text discusses the historical context of antifascist movements in America, focusing on the contributions of early antifas in the 1920s like Carlo Tresca, an Italian-American trade unionist who opposed Mussolini's fascism.
The article discusses the historical and contemporary silence of Orthodox Judaism in addressing social justice issues, particularly in the context of the Charlottesville events.
Rabbi Norman Lamm's theology of anti-racism focused on the responsibilities of those with power and freedom in society, particularly in addressing the issue of racism and the Civil Rights Movement.
The article discusses four key lessons in virtue that Jews can learn from Martin Luther King, Jr., beyond the often-referenced connection to Rabbi Abraham Joshua Heschel.
The text discusses the relationship between Rev. Martin Luther King Jr., Rabbi Abraham Joshua Heschel, and the prophet Moses, highlighting their roles as modern-day prophets advocating for civil rights.
Fifty years after the March on Washington protesting the Vietnam War, the article reflects on the gathering's significance and the antiwar movement that followed, emphasizing the efforts to end the war and the lasting impact on both American and Vietnamese societies.
In preparation for Martin Luther King Day, here are six recommended children's books that explore the life and impact of Martin Luther King Jr. across various age groups.
The article discusses the role of rabbis during the Selma civil rights movement, focusing on Abraham Joshua Heschel's support for the cause alongside other lesser-known figures such as John Doar, Bayard Rustin, and Amelia Boynton.
In the 1960s, the memory of the Holocaust quietly haunted the era despite the intense focus on changing the world.
The text discusses the relationship between the author and Norman Podhoretz, the editor of Commentary magazine, focusing on Podhoretz's controversial views on race, Judaism, and the coverage of the trial of Adolf Eichmann by Hannah Arendt.