Tag: Coalition

Benny Gantz's departure from the coalition government has raised questions about the future of Israeli politics, particularly regarding the decisions to be made in the aftermath of the recent conflict and potential conflicts in Gaza and Lebanon.
On Israel's 76th anniversary, the Israel Defense Forces found themselves battling in the Jabalia area, resembling a prior conflict with frustrations among soldiers about revisiting the same location.
Amidst a pressing draft crisis affecting yeshivah students, Israeli Prime Minister Netanyahu faces challenges as the Knesset goes on recess, potentially delaying crucial legislation.
Israeli Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu is facing pressure from domestic rivals who are demanding the release of hostages through a deal with Hamas.
Benjamin Netanyahu's political opponents in Israel are organizing protests to demand the release of hostages through a deal with Hamas.
Dan Senor discusses Israeli military actions in the West Bank, Benjamin Netanyahu's political situation, and the potential implications of the collapsing prosecutions against Israel's prime minister for understanding Donald Trump's indictments.
In a podcast featuring guest Suleiman Maswadeh, a diplomatic and political correspondent, the focus is on the challenges faced by the coalition government in Israel, including polls, Biden administration issues, public protests, and the upcoming deadline for forming the Judicial Selection Committee.
Walla News Chief Political Correspondent Tal Shalev and Israel Policy Forum Policy Advisor Neri Zilber discuss Israeli politics post the state budget passing, focusing on Netanyahu's challenges from protests, coalition hardliners, and upcoming pitfalls.
Israel is experiencing dangerous polarization, as evidenced by the heated debates and divisions within society.
In a recent episode of Unholy Podcast, the hosts Yonit and Jonathan, along with special guest Ilana Dayan, discuss the ongoing protests and internal debate within the coalition regarding judicial reform, noting a moment when the prime minister appeared on the verge of conceding.
Prime Minister Netanyahu is facing the consequences of his own political tactics as he finds himself trapped in a coalition he created.
In this podcast episode, Neri Zilber interviews Tal Schneider, the chief political correspondent for the Times of Israel, to discuss the ongoing judicial and constitutional crisis in Israel.
Israeli Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu has won a decisive electoral victory, solidifying his position as the country's leader.
The Israeli election results indicate a likely victory for Benjamin Netanyahu's right-wing bloc with a projected 65 seats in the Knesset.
In this podcast episode, Don Futterman, Miriam Herschlag, and Noah Efron discuss three topics.
In a recent episode titled "The Beginning of the End," Yonit and Jonathan are joined by political analyst Amit Segal to analyze the political turmoil in Israel, including Naftali Bennett's coalition hanging by a thread and the potential for Benjamin Netanyahu to return as Prime Minister.
In this podcast episode, Allison Kaplan Sommer, Noah Efron, and Jeremy Benstein discuss the recent wave of terror attacks in Israel, which left eleven people dead, raising concerns about a new round of violence.
In this episode of "The Centre Cannot Hold Edition," Allison Kaplan Sommer, Noah Efron, and Jeremy Benstein discuss three important topics and end with a heartwarming anecdote about something in Israel that made them smile.
In this article, Donniel Hartman, Yossi Klein Halevi, and Elana Stein Hain discuss the significance of Israel passing its first state budget in three years and the stability brought about by its unique coalition.
In this episode, Allison Kaplan Sommer and Noah Efron discuss two important topics: whether coalition members should have the power to earmark millions for their favorite causes, and the implementation of a congestion tax in Tel Aviv that will affect half a million drivers.
Allison Kaplan Sommer and Noah Efron discuss two main topics in this episode: the debate over coalition members being able to allocate millions for their preferred causes and the implementation of a new congestion tax in Israel affecting drivers entering Tel Aviv.
In a podcast episode titled "It's Not Easy Being Green," hosts Yonit and Jonathan engage with former Obama Advisor Ben Rhodes to examine the complexities of the UN Climate Change Conference in Glasgow and the challenges faced by the US and the world in addressing climate change.
In a discussion about the state of Israel's new government, journalist Neri Zilber speaks with Tal Shalev, a political correspondent for Walla News.
In this text, Yonit and Jonathan discuss the formation of a historic coalition in Israel and the potential obstacles it faces.
In this article, Tal Schneider and Barak Ravid discuss the current political situation in Israel, focusing on the future of Benjamin Netanyahu and a possible coalition that could remove him from power.