Tag: Coexistence

The Rana Choir, the only Arab-Jewish women's choir in Israel, has faced significant challenges due to the aftermath of the war and a Hamas attack.
A joint Memorial Day ceremony by Combatants for Peace and the Parents Circle - Families Forum brought together Israelis, Palestinians, and others impacted by the conflict to honor victims of the Israel-Hamas War, highlighting personal stories of loss and grief.
The text discusses the presence of militant pro-Hamas sentiments at Columbia University's Gaza solidarity encampment, highlighting chants against Jews and the glorification of violence.
Ussama Makdisi, Professor of History at the University of California Berkeley and known for his work on the modern Arab world, discusses themes of equality and coexistence in Palestine and Israel in a recent interview.
The text discusses the current situation in Gaza, where Israel's policies are leading to starvation and a lack of aid reaching the people due to restrictions and bombings, supported by the US with weapons.
Since October 7, amidst the ongoing conflict, six Israeli/Palestinian peace projects have been actively promoting coexistence and reconciliation in the region.
The owners of Ayat, a Palestinian restaurant chain in New York City, faced backlash and even death threats for their opposition to Israel's invasion of Gaza.
Over 1,300 people attended a free Shabbat dinner at Ayat, a Palestinian restaurant in Brooklyn.
The author reflects on a time in 1989 when Bishop Desmond Tutu visited Jerusalem and brought a sense of hope for peace between Israelis and Palestinians.
Yossi Klein Halevi, a well-known Jewish author, is discussed in this article, highlighting his transition from a hawkish stance on Israeli politics to a more dovish perspective.
A group of Israeli leftists in New York, known as the Anti-Occupation Bloc, have come together to protest the Israeli government's handling of the recent conflict with Hamas.
Mohammed Dajani, a Palestinian scholar and peace activist, discusses the ongoing conflict between Israel and Palestine.
The authors, a couple of Modern Orthodox-trained rabbis from New York, moved to the Neuklln neighborhood in Berlin, known for its large Arab and Turkish immigrant populations.
In this episode, Linda Gradstein, Noah Efron, and scholar-public intellectual-podcaster Masua Sagiv discuss the topics of extremism in the name of moderation and the experiences of children living in Israel in 2023.
In this discussion by Linda Gradstein, Noah Efron, and scholar Masua Sagiv, the focus is on the challenges faced by children living in contemporary Israel, extremism in the name of moderation, and the potential for coexistence in Silicon Wadi.
In this article, the author discusses a photograph of two lumberjacks, one Israeli and one Palestinian, who pause to pray before cutting down a tree in the Jerusalem forest.
Dr Shivi Greenfield argues in his book, "Judaism and Liberalism: A Metaphysical Tale of Two Siblings," that Judaism and liberalism can coexist and have a common metaphysical origin.
Dr. Shivi Greenfield explores the relationship between Judaism and Liberalism in his book "Judaism and Liberalism: A Metaphysical Tale of Two Siblings," suggesting that they can coexist as they originate from a shared metaphysical source.
In this discussion, political expert Dahlia Scheindlin joins host Allison Kaplan Sommer to talk about Prime Minister Naftali Bennett's chances of survival and why United Arab List leader Mansour Abbas decided not to leave the coalition.
The article highlights the often overlooked natural integration happening in Israel between Jewish and Arab communities, particularly in the healthcare system.
In this discussion, the participants explore the impact of the recent wave of violence in Israel on the relationship between Jewish and Arab citizens.
In this special episode of the podcast, Donniel Hartman, Yossi Klein Halevi, and Elana Stein Hain discuss the recent tensions in Israel, including the violence in Gaza and riots by Arab Israelis.
This text outlines a perspective on achieving peace in the Middle East, emphasizing the fundamental issue of Arab recognition of Israel's right to exist.
Prof. Menachem Hofnung presents a study on Israel's treatment of Arab informants, shedding light on a complex issue.