Tag: College Campuses

Yoni Diller, a survivor of the 10/7 attack at the Supernova Music Festival in Israel, is now sharing his story with political leaders and college students around the world.
Northwestern University is facing a federal investigation into its handling of antisemitism while also receiving criticism for its newly formed antisemitism task force.
The article discusses the current challenges facing Jewish students in higher education, particularly in the United States.
Miguel Cardona, the Secretary of Education, has expressed his repulsion towards the normalization of antisemitism on college campuses.
The Anti-Defamation League (ADL) has released a report listing over 3,000 antisemitic incidents in the three months since October 7, 2023, with the count representing a threat to Jews unprecedented in modern history.
According to a report by the Anti-Defamation League (ADL), incidents of antisemitism in the United States have surged since Hamas' invasion of Israel on October 7.
The article discusses the rising antisemitism on college campuses and the role of university presidents in addressing this issue.
In the aftermath of a congressional hearing on antisemitism on college campuses, the president of Harvard University, Claudine Gay, apologized for causing pain with her testimony.
The author, a senior at Rutgers University, reflects on the Israeli-Palestinian conflict on college campuses.
The article discusses the experience of attending the March for Israel rally in Washington DC.
The author points out the contradiction between the progressive emphasis on avoiding offense and the targeting of Jewish students and the Jewish community on college campuses.
The White House has condemned the increase in antisemitic rhetoric and hate crimes on college campuses, following incidents of pro-Palestinian protesters targeting Jewish students.
The number of student governments passing resolutions to boycott Israel decreased last year, but anti-Israel activity on college campuses almost doubled, according to the Anti-Defamation League (ADL).
According to a report by the Anti-Defamation League (ADL), the number of student governments passing resolutions to boycott Israel decreased significantly last year.
The Anti-Defamation League (ADL) is teaming up with the historically Jewish fraternity Alpha Epsilon Pi (AEPi) to tackle antisemitism on college campuses.
The AJC's State of Antisemitism in America 2022 report highlights the impact of rising antisemitism on college campuses.
The article discusses the importance of free speech and the challenges it presents, particularly within the context of antisemitic and anti-Israel speech.
In this article, the author discusses the issue of progressive antisemitism and the need to confront it within the progressive movement.
In this discussion, Tilly Shemer, Executive Director of University of Michigan Hillel, and Dr. Jeffrey Herbst, President of American Jewish University, address the state of Jewish life on college campuses.
The podcast "People of the Pod" covers three main topics: the aftermath of the UK general election, where Esther Offenberg shares insights on the feelings of the British Jewish community following the Conservative Party's win; Marc Stern discusses President Trump's executive order targeting antisemitism on college campuses; and Raoul Wootliff explains the reasons behind Israel's upcoming third election in a year.
Congresswoman Nita Lowey's retirement after 32 years in office is discussed on the latest episode of People of the Pod.
In response to claims linking a rise in anti-Semitism to President Trump, an article criticizes the Anti-Defamation League's (ADL) statistic allegedly showing a 57 percent increase in anti-Semitic incidents in 2017, arguing that the data was misrepresented and lacks empirical evidence.
The article discusses the presence of the Boycott, Divestment and Sanctions (BDS) movement on college campuses, aiming to divest from companies affiliated with Israel.
Jewish campus groups are actively addressing the issue of sexual assault on college campuses by implementing initiatives to support victims and change how universities handle such incidents.