Tag: Communication

In a comparison between Moses and Joe Biden, both leaders with speech challenges, the article discusses Biden's struggle with a stutter, particularly evident during a recent debate, and the suggestion that he may need a surrogate speaker like Moses had Aaron.
In Issue 899 of Family First Inbox, the discussion revolves around the complexities of maintaining friendships amid life changes, particularly in the context of marriage and singlehood.
In Chapter 10 of "Picture This," the couple embarks on a shopping trip, with the protagonist realizing she enjoys spending time with her husband, Yonah, despite initial reluctance.
Raja Khouri and Jeffrey Wilkinson, authors of the book "The Wall Between: What Jews and Palestinians Don't Want to Know About Each Other," discuss the challenging dialogue between Jews and Palestinians, highlighting the lack of understanding between the two groups.
A mother reflects on her decision to make her 17-year-old daughter work for her own spending money after a lavish party led to a credit card dispute.
Daniel-Ryan Spaulding utilizes satire to de-indoctrinate views about Israel and the conflict, creating international buzz with his viral videos.
The letter is a heartfelt message from a single person to their married friend, expressing the difficulty of their differing life stages.
In chapter 8 of the story "Picture This," a young couple, Yonah and Estee, experience tension over money and differing perspectives on supporting each other's dreams.
Language plays a crucial role in how we perceive and discuss mental health, and the use of stigmatizing or trivializing language can have harmful effects on individuals dealing with mental illness.
Amidst ongoing debates of American Jews criticizing Israel, the historical backdrop of internal Jewish disagreements, from ancient times to modern conflicts, is highlighted as a reminder of persistent divisions.
A woman is struggling with financial difficulties after her husband lost his job but he forbids her from sharing this information with her close sisters-in-law.
There will not be a Zoom call this Friday, as the Beinart Notebook will resume the following week.
In this article, the author reflects on living among Israelis during wartime, sharing observations like the minimal coverage of suffering in Gaza in Israeli media compared to international news.
The text is a brief mention of an article or piece titled "Gufim: overheard in the dressing room" featured on the New Voices platform.
In this article, Meir Kaplan, a young man from a background where technology use is discouraged, seeks guidance from his rebbi, Yossie, to purchase a smartphone.
Maintaining peace in the home, a Jewish value known as "Shalom bayit," can be challenging in the midst of everyday chaos and stress.
The Family First Inbox for Issue 879 includes a variety of reader responses to articles published in the magazine.
The article discusses the challenges faced by parents in talking to their children about the situation in Israel.
This article discusses the issue of polarization and outrage in society, including within the Orthodox Jewish community.
In this article, the author discusses a situation involving their daughter Sori and Toby, the child of their neighbor Lanni.
The author discusses the need for Israelis and American Jews to learn how to communicate in order to bridge the divide between them.
A reader writes to The Forward's advice column, "Bintel," seeking guidance on how to handle a situation where their friends declined to take a rapid COVID-19 test before visiting the reader's daughter's home.
In his book "That's Not Funny: How the Right Makes Comedy Work for Them," Professor Matt Sienkiewicz explores the impact of openly right-wing comedians on American media.
The text discusses Joe Biden's recent press conference, highlighting its length and suggesting that the president made a lot of negative news during this event, setting a new record for doing so in a short amount of time compared to his predecessors.
As Yom Kippur approaches, the author reflects on the challenge of forgiving others, particularly when they show no remorse or apologize.