Tag: Covid 19

Omer Yankelevitch, Israel's Diaspora Affairs Minister, is committed to uniting Israeli and diaspora Jews.
The COVID-19 pandemic has pushed Jewish chefs to get creative with new pop-up concepts and inventive delis.
Israeli folk dancing has gone global during the COVID-19 pandemic as dancers from all over the world come together virtually on Zoom.
The article delves into the Trump campaign's focus on appealing to COVID fatigued voters and raises the question of whether this strategy indicates an understanding of the electorate that is not reflected in polling data.
This week's episode of the AJC Advocacy Anywhere podcast features discussions on two topics.
Rabbi Arnie Wittenstein, a Torah scholar and historian, discusses parallels between the Covid-19 pandemic and historical plagues in Tanach, as well as the connection to messianic redemption in Jewish history.
The text discusses the contrasting approaches to school reopening in New York City and Fairfax County, Virginia.
Lucy Lang, a former assistant district attorney for Manhattan, has announced her candidacy for Manhattan district attorney.
Facebook has announced that it will ban Holocaust denial content from its platform.
In this poem titled "Backyard Prayer (Covid-19)" by Akiva Shapiro, the author describes a scene of prayer during the pandemic.
This article reflects on the Orthodox Jewish community's response to the COVID-19 crisis, particularly in New York City.
The COVID-19 pandemic has led to significant changes in Jewish ritual practice.
In this podcast episode, Evan Gottesman and Eli Kowaz discuss the political challenges Benjamin Netanyahu is facing due to his handling of the COVID-19 crisis.
Donniel Hartman, Yossi Klein Halevi, and Elana Stein Hain analyze the response of the Haredi community to the Covid-19 pandemic in Israel.
Orthodox social media groups are spreading prayers for the complete recovery of President Donald Trump, who recently announced testing positive for COVID-19.
In this podcast episode, Allison Kaplan Sommer, Don Futterman, and Noah Efron cover the topics of Israel's dilemma in prioritizing ventilator use for Covid patients, the perceived relationship between AOC and Israel, and the rising trend of matchmaking among secular Israelis.
In this discussion, Allison Kaplan Sommer, Don Futterman, and Noah Efron cover three main topics: the ethical dilemma faced by doctors in deciding who receives a ventilator amidst overwhelming numbers of Covid patients in Israeli hospitals, the question of whether Alexandria Ocasio-Cortez (AOC) is supportive of Israel, and the rise of matchmaking among secular Israelis.
Sukkot, the Jewish holiday where people move to huts outside their homes, has ambiguous meanings according to different sages.
A survey conducted by the Pew Research Center found that religious faith in the United States actually strengthened during the COVID-19 pandemic, despite the closure of most houses of worship and the increase in the death toll.
The article discusses the story of Jonah and the reasons for his desire to run away from his mission.
The author explores the concept of teshuvah (repentance) and its relationship to physical journeys and escape from one's surroundings.
As we reflect on the past year during Rosh Hashanah, a Jewish holiday that focuses on our shared humanity, we must also consider the iniquity of inequity in organ donation within the Jewish community.
Due to the COVID-19 pandemic, many synagogues are adjusting their High Holiday services to ensure the safety of congregants.
President Trump's admission to journalist Bob Woodward that he downplayed the seriousness of COVID-19 has created a media storm, portraying Trump negatively.
This exchange of articles explores the haredi (ultra-Orthodox) Jewish response to COVID-19.