Tag: Current Events

In this Zoom call, Columbia Professor Rashid Khalidi discusses the current state of Palestinian history.
In response to the current situation in Israel, a special episode hosted by Tablet Magazine and moderated by Liel Liebovitz aims to address the background and questions surrounding the conflict.
The text mentions that Trump has been indicted and invites readers to listen to a discussion about it.
Matthew Continetti, now a permanent co-host, discusses President Biden's trip to Kyiv and Ron DeSantis's comments on it, drawing parallels between current American politics and the early 20th century.
The podcast discusses whether the current social malaise in America, characterized by phenomena like increased resignations and shoplifting, is a temporary January slump or a more prolonged period of depression.
Frederick Kagan, an expert from the Critical Threats Project, discusses the remarkable successes of Ukraine against the Russian military and the implications for the conflict's future.
The podcast discusses the overwhelming amount of news stories, highlighting 18 different significant events from the previous day.
The podcast delves into the concept of threats to democracy, Anthony Fauci's resignation, and the "I don't want to work no more" movement.
The podcast discusses recent events including the search warrant at Donald Trump's Mar-a-Lago and an attack on Salman Rushdie.
The podcast discusses Joe Biden's COVID diagnosis and highlights some disturbing moments from the January 6 hearings.
The podcast discusses the assassination of former Japanese prime minister Shinzo Abe and criticizes a controversial Associated Press article about him and his death, questioning the level of decency in journalism.
In a recent podcast episode, the focus was on analyzing the intricate outcomes of the primary elections held the night before across the country.
The podcast discussed in this text begins with gratitude for condolences on Midge Decter's passing but transitions to addressing the recent mass shooting in Buffalo and its political implications.
The "Commentary After Dark" podcast episode discusses Emmanuel Macron's victory and its implications for Western populist movements, along with a debate on Ron DeSantis's confrontation with woke corporations.
In this podcast discussion, there is an exploration of the possibility of the American people pressuring politicians to implement a no-fly zone over Ukraine and the potential disastrous outcomes of such a decision.
In a podcast episode, the discussion touches on the early stages of the Ukraine war and evaluates the situation for Russia.
The podcast featuring Bret Stephens delves into current events concerning Ukraine, Biden, and the rise of nationalist conservatism.
The podcast discusses a range of troubling events, highlighting a general sense of incompetence in handling various crises.
This podcast discusses the political implications of inflation, ongoing COVID restrictions, and recent developments in the trial of Kyle Rittenhouse.
In a podcast discussion, the crew questions the Democratic party's portrayal of the failure of significant spending bills as a political victory.
In a podcast discussion, the focus is on Robert Kagan's article in The Washington Post about the purported constitutional crisis under Trump's administration.
The podcast discusses the recent negative news surrounding President Biden, including poor job numbers, Delta variant fatalities, and a decrease in his support according to polls.
In a podcast episode, the discussion refutes the assertion that the main goal of the US presence in Afghanistan was to establish a democratic system.
In a recent podcast, the discussion covered the ideological challenges from the Left against Israel, political controversies surrounding the January 6 commission, and updates on the Nord Stream 2 pipeline.
The podcast discusses positive trends in pandemic data and a shift in tone among public health experts towards good news.