Tag: Discussion

A non-Jewish individual seeks advice on how to address their best friend's increasing antisemitic behavior.
The text discusses President Biden's decision to impose restrictions on arms sales to Israel after originally seeking such arms, prompting a critical examination of this action.
This podcast episode delves into the complex relationships between America and Israel as well as between college campuses and the broader society, debating which situation is more concerning.
The text questions whether Joe Biden's recent three-minute statement on college campus unrest was adequate or merely the bare minimum, or not even that.
The death of OJ Simpson leads to reflections on the legacy of the murders he committed, his botched escape, and the infamous trial where he was acquitted.
A listener criticizes the tendency of one host, John, on a Commentary podcast episode for being overly verbose, repetitive, and interruptive, leading to a frustrating listening experience.
The text delves into Hunter Biden's indictment and the investigation into Joe Biden's connection to his son's business, questioning whether this will impact the president's standing against Donald Trump.
In this Friday Kibbitz article, the author asks readers about their favorite snack for road trips.
The podcast delves into the failures of right-leaning initiatives aimed at addressing working-class concerns over the last two decades.
The text is about a podcast where the host expresses fatigue with discussing Trump in American politics but ends up discussing him anyway, highlighting the current political atmosphere.
Andrew C. McCarthy examines the August 1st indictment of Donald Trump, highlighting its unconventional legal and political challenges.
Eli Lake discusses the ongoing controversy surrounding Hunter Biden despite his recent guilty plea.
Yuval Levin discusses on a podcast the lack of interest in avoiding the fiscal cliff, drawing parallels between Joe Biden and King Lear, and the impact of sweeping social change on the argument for a liberal society.
Adam White discusses a significant Supreme Court decision that marks the end of using race as a factor in higher-education admissions.
James B. Meigs discusses GOP candidates shifting their tone on Trump's indictment and potential complications.
In this podcast episode featuring Eli Lake, the discussion revolves around the Durham report, which scrutinizes the FBI's actions concerning its investigation into the Trump campaign in 2016 and later.
In his book "The Crisis of Democratic Capitalism," Martin Wolf explores how the shortcomings of the economic system in the late 20th century have impacted governance and vice versa.
The podcast episode delves into the political distractions surrounding the Nashville shooting in Tennessee, suggesting they are diverting attention from the shooter's motivations.
The topic of discussion is a Passover shoutout thread, where participants are encouraged to share their favorite Passover food, memory, or tradition.
In a discussion about movies in 2022, the group shares their opinions on films they enjoyed or disliked.
Eli Lake discusses the upcoming midterm elections and also dives into a heated debate about his recent COMMENTARY piece titled "Can the FBI Be Saved From Itself And Can We Be Saved From The FBI?" on a podcast.
In a recent podcast episode titled "The Mar-A-Lago Goat Rodeo," the discussion revolves around the FBI search at Mar-A-Lago, raising concerns about overreach and public distrust in institutions.
Yuval Levin discusses the significance of the frequent mass murders in the United States, exploring whether they reflect a broader sickness in American society.
This podcast discusses the political implications of inflation, ongoing COVID restrictions, and recent developments in the trial of Kyle Rittenhouse.
The podcast discusses the recent Texas initiative to prohibit private businesses from mandating COVID-19 vaccines for employees, highlighting the broader political implications of vaccine mandates across the country.