Tag: Documentary

"And When I Die, I Won't Stay Dead" is a new documentary that sheds light on the life and work of Bob Kaufman, a Jewish African-American street poet who remains shrouded in mystery.
The documentary "The Ballad of Huma and Bad, Bad Anthony Weiner" follows the downfall of former Congressman Anthony Weiner, known for his sexting scandals, as he runs for New York mayor in 2013.
These two poems by an unknown author express themes of love, death, and the power of mourning.
In this episode, Allison, Don, and Noah address three significant topics, including the impact of social media outrage on a government official, the legacy of Israel's withdrawal from southern Lebanon, and the scrutiny faced by Labor Party leader Isaac Herzog following the airing of the documentary "Herzog."
Errol Morris interviewed Donald Rumsfeld for 33 hours for his documentary "The Unknown Known," exploring the former Secretary of Defense's role in the Iraq war.
Sir Nicholas Winton, a British hero, saved nearly 700 Czech and Slovak Jewish children before World War II, a story captured in the documentary "Nickys Family."
"Commie Camp" is a documentary showcasing Camp Kinderland, a Jewish socialist summer camp in the Berkshires.
"Leap of Faith" is a documentary exploring the journeys of individuals and families converting to Orthodox Judaism, highlighting the sacrifices and challenges they face in embracing a new religious life.
The documentary "Inventing Our Life" explores the history and evolution of the kibbutz movement, shedding light on the communal lifestyle and its significance in Israeli society.
The documentary titled "Back Door Channels" provides a unique and unprecedented look into the 1979 Camp David Peace Accord and Treaty between Egypt and Israel, offering exclusive interviews with key political figures like Jimmy Carter, Henry Kissinger, Menachem Begin, Anwar El-Sadat, and Wolf Blitzer.
In Tablet Magazine, Sarah Marcus discusses the Mountain Jews living in Azerbaijan who ensure they always have a minyan.