Tag: French Jews

Following the alleged antisemitic rape of a 12-year-old Jewish girl by two teenage boys in a Paris suburb, France has been grappling with a surge of protests and political action against rising antisemitism.
Haaretz senior defense analyst Amos Harel discusses on the Haaretz Podcast how Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu will intensify attacks on Israeli military leaders to divert attention from political issues, claiming Netanyahu's actions do not align with Israel's strategic interests.
The rise in antisemitic attacks in France following the Hamas massacres in Israel has led many Jewish individuals to fear for their safety, prompting them to remove their mezuzot from outside their homes and place them inside instead.
The Pickles Review, led by Lord Pickles, has revealed a cover-up by British authorities regarding war crimes on Alderney, involving atrocities against various nationalities, including French Jews like Robert Perelstein.
The article features three individuals in the Jewish community: Marco Troper, the 19-year-old son of tech executives who tragically passed away from a suspected drug overdose; Robert Badinter, a French Jew who successfully campaigned to abolish the death penalty in France, earning him the nickname Monsieur Abolition; and Bert Silver, a Washington D.C. Jewish leader who advocated for Soviet Jews and promoted interfaith activities.
In the 1960s and 1970s, French Jews faced a surge of anti-Semitic sentiment amidst backlash against Israel, particularly from leftist groups diminishing Israel's right to exist.
Yonit and Jonathan discuss the potential gains and losses for Israel and Hamas in ongoing hostage release talks and fighting cessation efforts.
Police in Paris are investigating the spray-painting of Stars of David on buildings in the city's 14th arrondissement, the latest in a series of incidents targeting French Jews since the Israel-Hamas war began in October.
The French Jewish population in Israel has been growing in recent years, with thousands of French Jews immigrating to Israel.
Eric Zemmour's failed presidential campaign highlighted a ongoing debate in France over the country's role in the Holocaust and collaboration with the Vichy regime.
In this episode of Supernova, hosts Yonit Levi and Jonathan Freedland discuss topics such as Israeli PM Naftali Bennett's hefty takeout bill, the French Presidential election from the perspective of French Jews and expats in Israel, and their shared fascination with the series WeCrashed about Adam Neumann.
AJC Chief Field Operations Officer, Melanie Maron Pell, talks with AJC Europe Managing Director, Simone Rodan-Benzaquen, about the implications of the first round of the French presidential election, highlighting the dangers that both the far right and far left pose to French society and Jews in particular.
"Un Village Francais" is a television series that focuses on the occupation of a French town during World War II and explores the moral dilemmas faced by its inhabitants.
Meyer Habib, a French politician of Tunisian descent, is a strong advocate for French Jews, especially in issues related to professional qualifications recognized in Israel.
The funeral of Simone Veil, a prominent figure in French politics and Jewish history, sparked a debate about the identity of France's true Jews.
During World War II, French Jews played a significant role in the Resistance in France.
A significant increase in French Jews making aliyah to Israel is driven by a growing sense of insecurity due to rising anti-Semitism in France.