Tag: Hamas Massacre

Brook Parker-Bello, a survivor of human trafficking and advocate for victims, felt a deep connection with the hostages kidnapped by Hamas following her own traumatic experiences.
As the Jewish community faces a rise in antisemitism and anti-Israel sentiments, there is a growing need to better educate Jewish students on these issues.
In response to increased pro-Palestinian activism and antisemitism on college campuses, Jewish students at the University of Pennsylvania and other schools received support from the broader Jewish community through initiatives like barbecues organized by volunteers from the Orthodox community in Monsey, New York.
Eva Illouz, a renowned sociologist, discusses the profound impact of the Hamas massacre in Israel and the subsequent military response.
The essays by Jonathan Karp and Reviel Netz discuss the rise of anti-Israelism, a new form of bigotry that targets Israel and Israelis rather than Jews and Judaism.
This Global Antisemitism Report focuses on the impact of the Hamas-Israel war on Germany, Asia, and the Arab Gulf.
Wanchai Monsana, a Thai worker who survived a Hamas attack, was admitted to an Israeli hospital severely burned and isolated from any support system.
Israeli citizens have returned to the streets for rallies on Saturday nights, but the atmosphere is quieter and more somber.
In this podcast episode, Assaf Orion, a retired IDF brigadier general and defense strategist, discusses Israel's initial air campaign in Gaza after the Hamas massacre in October 7.
Amidst the discourse surrounding the Israel-Hamas conflict, Jewish workers in the US are quitting their jobs in protest of their organizations' stance.
The text discusses a shift in the relationship of Diaspora Jews with Israel, highlighting the impact of recent events like protests against Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu and the Hamas massacre in 2023.
Senate Majority Leader Chuck Schumer is traveling to Israel with a bipartisan group of senators to meet with Israeli leaders and discuss military aid to combat Hamas following a recent massacre that left over 1,300 Israelis dead.
In this episode of Unorthodox, stories from Israel are shared, including firsthand accounts of bravery and tragedy following a recent terror attack.