Tag: Hashem

The weekly Torah portion of Shelach Lecha discusses the spies' report on the land of Israel, emphasizing how our outlook shapes our perceptions of reality.
Tzenius, often translated as modesty, holds a deeper meaning revolving around an inner focus on spirituality and self-worth.
In a sponsored post on Jewish values by Rabbi David Jaffe and Yehudah Webster, the ongoing practice of justice and equity is highlighted as fundamental in Judaism, emphasizing the Torah's instructions to care for the vulnerable, share resources, and oppose oppression.
The text discusses the concept of "menuchas hanefesh" or inner peace, likening it to a concierge service where all needs are tended to effortlessly.
The Indianapolis Colts signed a rookie wide receiver named Adonai Mitchell, prompting a dilemma for Jewish football fans due to the use of a Hebrew name for God outside of ritual contexts.
The article discusses the significance of the Shema Koleinu blessing in the Shemoneh Esreh prayer.
The text discusses the concept of flags in the Jewish tradition, drawing from sources in the Torah and Midrash.
The text discusses the concept of trust in the context of the weekly Torah portion Behar, focusing on the mitzvah of shmittah and the observance of Shabbat.
The video explores Vivi and her husband's journey of strength and faith as they navigate raising a family despite facing the loss of four children due to a genetic disorder.
The article discusses how to elevate the experience of eating during Pesach by focusing on pleasure, pacing, and pausing.
The Family First Inbox in Issue 886 features various perspectives and reflections from readers on different topics.
In times of crisis, it is crucial to strengthen emunah and bitachon.
In facing crises, one often seeks hope and resilience, traits that should be nurtured during calmer times to build a foundation of faith.
In a time of crisis and uncertainty, Rabbi Dov Foxbrunner reflects on the struggles and anxieties faced by many amid conflict, conveying a message of hope and purpose drawn from Jewish teachings.
This article discusses three different topics.
This article discusses the importance of expressing love to children and the impact it has on their well-being.
The author initially couldn't relate to a prayer about angels, but then learns an interpretation of the names of the angels as metaphors for how God manifests in our lives.
In this issue of Family First Inbox, the first letter discusses the idea of sacrificing a career for Torah learning, suggesting that talents should be used for a Torah purpose.
The article discusses the challenge of praying with intention (kavanah) and feeling that one's prayers are valuable to Hashem.
The author addresses the issue of religion being used as a justification for violence, specifically in relation to the events perpetrated by Hamas.
The text includes several letters from readers in a Jewish publication.
The article discusses the need for Jews to study the Torah in order to understand and respond to the current events and challenges facing Israel.
The Gemara raises the question of how Moshe, who wrote the Torah, could have written the final eight verses that describe his own death.
In this episode of "Take 2 with Yossi Hecht," Yossi Hecht, a media personality, author, musician, cancer survivor, and husband, talks with Yisroel Besser about his inspiring life story.
The article discusses the concept of Hashgachah pratis, or Divine Providence, and how it relates to our observance during the Yamim Noraim (Days of Awe).