Tag: Hillary Clinton

Amidst the ongoing violence in Israel, where more Israelis are being killed as the Rafah mission persists, Netanyahu has disbanded the war cabinet.
The text discusses various political issues, including concerns about President Biden's age and competency, allegations surrounding Hunter Biden's legal troubles, and controversies related to former President Trump and the Soros family.
During the rise of Donald Trump, parallels were drawn by some observers between his political tactics and the nationalism of Slobodan Miloevi, the leader responsible for Serbia's violent conflicts in the 1990s.
This article criticizes Jake Sullivan, the U.S. National Security Advisor, questioning his qualifications and leadership abilities.
The article discusses the figure of Elijah in American political and cultural history.
The podcast discusses Jussie Smollett's attempt to manipulate the criminal justice system and how it reflects a crisis in the liberal perspective on crime.
The article discusses the similarities and differences between the Watergate scandal and the Russia investigation (Russiagate) involving Hillary Clinton and Donald Trump.
Yonit and Jonathan discuss tips for fasting before Yom Kippur and recommend books in a podcast episode.
The text discusses the potential strategies of Michael Bloomberg and Hillary Clinton to prevent Bernie Sanders from obtaining the Democratic nomination by forming a superteam and using tactics to block him from securing a majority of delegates.
Former Senator Joe Lieberman, known for his complex political stance as a liberal Democrat with hawkish views on foreign policy, revealed on the Unorthodox podcast his uncertainty about his party loyalty in the 2020 election.
David Benkof, a conservative Republican gay Orthodox Jewish columnist, shares his unique perspective on current events, discussing his vote for Hillary Clinton and subsequent move to Israel as a "Trump refugee," his views on presidential racism and anti-Semitism, why he believes religious pluralism in Israel is negative while peace with the Palestinians is positive.
Fusion GPS, a Washington-based research firm founded by former journalists Glenn Simpson and Peter Fritsch, has been involved in generating news, opposition research, and influencing American policy by working for both sides of various issues.
The text delves into the descent of American society into a Middle Eastern-style conspiracy-theory mindset, heavily influenced by the narrative around Russian involvement in the 2016 presidential election and the Trump administration.
In exploring the voting patterns of Orthodox Jews, particularly those in the Modern Orthodox community, the discussion highlights a shift towards supporting Republican candidates.
Prof. Dov Waxman, author of "Trouble in the Tribe: The American Jewish Conflict over Israel," discusses with hosts Gilad Halpern and Dahlia Scheindlin the impact of President Trump's divisiveness on the already divided American Jewish community.
The text explores the notion of late-night wake-up calls for political leaders, specifically contrasting the American 3 a.m. phone call standard with the more frequent occurrences for Israeli prime ministers, highlighting historical instances of such wake-up calls for leaders like David Ben-Gurion during key moments in Israel's history, from the War of Independence to the Yom Kippur War.
The article discusses how Donald Trump utilizes anti-Semitic rhetoric against Hillary Clinton, despite her not being Jewish, by drawing parallels between stereotypes of Jews and Clinton.
The documentary "The Ballad of Huma and Bad, Bad Anthony Weiner" follows the downfall of former Congressman Anthony Weiner, known for his sexting scandals, as he runs for New York mayor in 2013.
The text discusses the author's desire for escapism from the current political and cultural climate, highlighting feelings of dismay and frustration with the state of the world.
The author reflects on watching the third season of "Broad City" and fears that the show might have lost its charm and relatability due to fame.
An email from Hillary Clinton's private server suggests that former aide Anne-Marie Slaughter proposed raising private funds from billionaires for a Palestinian state to bolster Mahmoud Abbas and shame Israel.