Tag: Idf

Israeli forces entered Shifa Hospital in Gaza City amidst a gun battle with Hamas fighters, resulting in casualties and arrests, although the incident received minimal media coverage compared to previous events.
The discussion highlights instances of controversial comments and perspectives surrounding the Israel-Gaza conflict.
Two prominent Charedi leaders in Israel, Rav Dov Landau and Rav Moshe Hillel Hirsch, have taken a significant step by agreeing to allow Charedim to be drafted into the IDF, a measure previously rejected by the community.
The article addresses the controversy sparked by Sefardic Chief Rabbi Yitzchak Yosef's statement that chareidim should leave Israel rather than join the IDF, particularly focusing on the outrage and pain it evoked.
Amid escalating violence in Gaza, there is global condemnation of Israel's actions, with criticism ranging from accusations of genocide to apartheid.
The debate over targeted killings of Hamas leaders like Marwan Issa raises questions about the effectiveness of such actions in impacting Hamas and the conflict.
Itay Chen, a 19-year-old American-Israeli soldier missing since October 7, has been confirmed dead by the IDF after being killed and his body taken by Hamas during an attack.
The writer discusses a recent article in Mishpacha Magazine by a Charedi columnist, Gedalia Guttentag, who praises the Dati world for their sacrifices and heroism in defending Klal Yisrael, contrasting it with the perceived lack of recognition from the Charedi world.
The discussion explores the challenges and dilemmas faced by Haredi individuals regarding military conscription, particularly focusing on the possibility of maintaining religious observance while serving in the IDF.
During Israel's conflict with Hamas, Israeli aid to Gaza has been provided directly to Gazans and through the distribution of foreign aid.
Squadron 123, also known as The Desert Birds, operates out of the Israeli Air Forces Palmachim Base and plays a crucial role in the IDF's operations in Gaza by flying Unit 669 on evacuation missions of wounded soldiers.
The article describes a journey through northern Israel, highlighting towns like Metulah and Kiryat Shemonah located near the Lebanese border, which have been affected by conflicts with Hezbollah.
The discussion revolves around the ongoing tensions within the Charedi community in Israel regarding the draft of Yeshiva students into the IDF.
Noa Girls, a charity supporting young Jewish women with mental health struggles, faces a dilemma regarding International Women's Day due to the lack of support for Jewish women in light of recent events of sexual assault in Israel.
Seattleites Oscar Olivier and Rabbi Mark Greenspan contribute personal experiences from Israel to a Jewish publication.
In the discussion about Israel's military campaign in Rafah, the last Hamas stronghold in Gaza, there is a debate on whether Israel should invade.
There is a growing divide among religious Jews in Israel over military service, particularly within the Charedi community.
Israeli and U.S. officials estimate that only a small fraction of the extensive tunnel network built by Hamas in Gaza has been demolished so far, despite ongoing efforts by the IDF to detect and neutralize these tunnels.
In a thought-provoking piece by Yishai Jusidman in Future of Jewish, the author reflects on a hypothetical scenario drawing parallels between the ongoing Israel-Hamas conflict and the philosophical Trolley Problem.
The Israeli society is facing a crisis in manpower for the IDF, exacerbated by the reluctance of the charedi community to share the burden of military service, causing resentment among other Israelis.
Gadi Roz, an Israeli reservist, is fighting two wars: one for Israel's future and the other for his 6-year-old son Meitar, who has Duchenne Muscular Dystrophy (DMD).
The text discusses the exemption of Charedi (ultra-Orthodox) Jews in Israel from military service, highlighting the disparity between them and the rest of the country's youth who are required to serve, especially during times of war like the conflict with Hamas.
In a discussion about Israel's military actions in Gaza and the global criticism it's facing, Donniel Hartman and Yossi Klein Halevi reflect on whether Israel should still hold onto its victimhood narrative in light of current events.
The text explores the complex history and perceptions of Gaza among Israelis.
An IDF commander stationed near Gaza found a book, "Man & Beast: Our Relationship with Animals in Jewish Law and Thought," written by the parent of another IDF commander, Tikvah Slifkin.