Tag: Idf

Saleh Al-Arouri, the deputy chairman of Hamas, was assassinated in a drone strike in Beirut.
The article discusses the divide between Israel's patriotic citizenry and its progressive elites in the wake of the recent conflict.
This article provides glimpses into life in Israel during wartime, particularly focusing on the emotional attachment and attention given to specific hostages.
The CEO of TAMID Group, Yoni Heilman, shares his perspective on the current conflict in Israel and its impact on his organization.
Amichai Oster, an Israeli-American soldier, was killed in battle in the northern Gaza Strip.
In this episode of Home Front, the focus is on the escalating situation in the north of Israel and the IDF's efforts to address the rocket fire from Southern Gaza.
This diary entry provides insight into the experience of an IDF soldier during a war.
Israel's ability to adapt quickly to crises has been on display recently.
This text discusses the controversy surrounding Rabbi Shai Graucher, who raised millions of dollars and provided various forms of assistance to the Israeli armed forces during a time of war.
Allison Kaplan Sommer, Linda Gradstein, and Noah Efron discuss important topics related to current events in Israel, questioning the leadership of Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu during a time of war and examining the state of the Israeli left.
In this letter, an IDF combat soldier expresses his belief that army service is essential for every Jew.
Rav Yosef Elefant, a prominent figure from the Mirrer Yeshiva in Jerusalem, delivered a powerful call to action at a recent convention of Agudath Israel of America.
In this episode of Home Front, several important topics are discussed.
Staff Sgt. Rose Lubin, a Border Police officer in Jerusalem's Old City precinct, was killed in a stabbing attack.
Hezbollah attacks from Lebanon have caused significant damage to the Upper Galilee kibbutz of Manara, with more than half of the houses destroyed.
This article describes the author's experience attending a bris (circumcision ceremony) amidst the ongoing war in Israel.
Pressure is increasing on the Israeli government amidst debates over the terms of a ceasefire, with families of hostages urging a pause following the accidental killing of three hostages by the IDF in Gaza.
The text discusses recent events related to Zionism, including a confrontation between a pro-Palestinian protester and an individual at the Toronto Eaton Centre, and the mistaken killing of hostages by the IDF in Israel, prompting calls for re-evaluation and negotiations.
In this episode of Home Front, the focus is on Israel's diplomatic efforts to deter Hezbollah.
Israeli military experts believe that Israel needs more time to defeat Hamas and that there are still intense battles to come.
Donniel Hartman and Yossi Klein Halevi share their profound sadness over the IDF mistakenly shooting and killing three Israeli hostages in Gaza who were waving white flags in surrender.
Israel and Hamas are preparing to resume indirect negotiations for the release of Israeli hostages, as well as a ceasefire in Gaza, following an incident where Israeli troops mistakenly killed three hostages attempting to escape.
This article discusses the events of October 7, in which Hamas invaded Israeli communities and military bases, causing the death of 1,200 Israelis and the capture of 250 Israeli citizens.
Israeli soldiers who broadcasted Jewish prayers from a West Bank mosque during a military operation will be disciplined by the Israeli Defense Forces (IDF).
The author expresses disappointment with the lack of unity and Achdus among the Jewish people, despite the temporary unity that often arises in times of tragedy.