Tag: Idf

The article discusses the unique societal dynamics in Israel, highlighting the close-knit nature of the country where there is almost no separation between public and civil life.
This article presents 30 thought-provoking questions about the Israel-Hamas war, covering a range of topics from the role of Iran in Syria and Lebanon, to the unique challenges of warfare in Gaza, to the influence of Hamas on the content coming out of Gaza.
The article discusses the transition taking place in Israel from a start-up nation to a nation focused on rebuilding after the recent tragedy.
In this article, it is discussed how former IDF chief of staff, General Gadi Eisenkot, has been chosen by anti-Netanyahu forces to help overthrow Netanyahu, with the assistance of the United States.
The author discusses the idea of a national emergency in Israel and its implications for charitable giving and support of Torah institutions.
On Monday, 24 Israeli soldiers were killed in two separate incidents in the Gaza Strip, marking the deadliest day for Israel since the Hamas attacks on October 7th.
In this personal essay, the writer reflects on their son's upcoming induction into the Israel Defense Forces (IDF) and the mixed emotions they are experiencing.
In this episode of Home Front, three main topics are discussed.
In a surprising act of kindness, the Satmar chasidim provided food to a group of IDF soldiers who were stuck without supplies for Shabbat.
The charedi (ultra-Orthodox) community is currently facing a crisis due to the shortage of manpower in the Israeli Defense Forces (IDF).
"Delegation" is a film that follows Israeli teenagers on a school trip to Holocaust sites before they join the IDF.
Linda Gradstein, Allison Kaplan Sommer, and Noah Efron discuss the IDF's failures and its enduring trust despite setbacks and casualties, questioning why belief in the army persists.
MK Amit Halevi, a member of the Knesset's National Security Committee, argues that Israel's current military strategy will not lead to victory and will instead result in a prolonged guerilla war.
MK Amit Halevi argues that Israel's current military strategy will not lead to victory but instead result in a never-ending guerrilla war of attrition.
Talia Carner's novel, The Boy With the Star Tattoo, has been targeted by a review-bombing campaign on Goodreads.
The IDF is moving into the third phase of the conflict with Hamas, but the objective of removing the Hamas regime in Gaza still appears out of reach with ongoing security concerns for Israel.
In a recent investigative piece in Yedioth Ahronoth, the failure of the Israeli Defense Forces (IDF) on October 7th is examined.
A recent investigative report in Yedioth Ahronoth examines the failure of the Israeli Defense Forces (IDF) on October 7th.
The author, Mike Doran, recounts his visit to Israel and describes the strong unity and common fate among Israelis, particularly those in active military service.
The International Court of Justice in The Hague is set to hold hearings brought by South Africa accusing Israel of genocide following heavy losses in Gaza by the IDF.
Nine Israeli soldiers, including six in a single incident, were killed in Gaza during fighting as Israel announced a new, more targeted phase of its campaign.
The war in Gaza has brought the fight for LGBTQ rights to the forefront in Israel.
The Letter of the Mothers is a public letter written by Dr. Tehila Elitzur, a Torah teacher at Herzog College, addressed to the mothers of ultra-Orthodox yeshiva students.
The article discusses the question of whether studying Torah takes precedence over other important obligations in Judaism.