Tag: Idf

The article discusses several reasons why Harvard University President Claudine Gay should resign, including her refusal to address calls for genocide against Jews in a Congressional hearing and recent plagiarism accusations.
Unorthodox episode 393 presents nine stories of Jewish light amid challenging times.
In this article, Rabbi Daniel Bouskila examines the tension between Jewish law (Halakha) and Jewish philosophy (Hashkafa) in relation to the celebration of Hanukkah and the role of the Israel Defense Forces (IDF).
In this episode of the 18Forty Podcast, venture capitalist Michael Eisenberg discusses the civic revolution taking place in Israel.
This article highlights the significance of Chanukah, the Festival of Lights, arriving during a time of darkness and challenges.
Gal Meir Eisenkot, the son of former IDF chief of staff Gadi Eisenkot, was killed in combat in Gaza while serving as a reservist in a commando unit.
In this episode of the 18Forty Podcast, Noa Lewis, CEO of Echad and a volunteer with the IDF's women's casualty-treatment unit, discusses the importance of finding our sense of purpose and unity in the Jewish people and the Land of Israel.
The shooting of an Israeli civilian by an IDF soldier has sparked a debate about vigilante culture in Israel.
The article discusses the concept of proportionality in war and argues that it has been misused to criticize Israel's actions in response to terrorist groups like Hamas and Hezbollah.
In this diary, the author recounts her experience of mobilizing chesed (acts of kindness) during a time of war in Israel.
In the wake of the war in Israel, individuals and communities across the Jewish diaspora unite to support soldiers and civilians in Israel.
This article shares the story of Bentzi Goldman, who owns a delivery company and decided to use his company to help Israeli soldiers during the war.
Shelley and Ariel Serber from West Hempstead, New York, have transformed their living room into a distribution center for the IDF during the Iron Swords War.
Colonel Golan Vach, the head of the IDF's National Rescue Unit, discusses his experiences in disaster relief efforts, including his recent deployment to Surfside, Florida, and Turkey.
Colonel Golan Vach, the commander of the IDF's National Rescue Unit of the Home Front Command, has had extensive experience in disaster rescues and humanitarian aid missions around the world.
This article discusses the response of young olim (immigrants) living in Israel during times of war.
The author discusses the strain that the war has put on relationships with neighbors in the community.
The author highlights that the Jewish world is currently experiencing unprecedented events, such as the increase in antisemitism, the divisiveness between different Jewish groups, and the unity that has emerged as a result of these tragedies.
In this article, Rav Dovid Leibel discusses the issue of charedim (ultra-Orthodox) and their participation in the Israeli Defense Forces (IDF).
Since the October attack by Hamas, hundreds of Haredim (Ultra-Orthodox Jews) have enlisted in the Israeli Defense Forces (IDF), seen as a milestone in their integration into Israeli society.
In the charedi world, there is a belief that yeshiva students play a crucial role in winning the war, either by providing merit or by actually fighting against evil forces.
Rav Yisroel Bunim Schreiber, a prominent figure in the Israeli charedi community, recently sparked controversy with his remarks about soldiers in the IDF.
In this open letter from IDF tank commander Itai Simon Tov, he emphasizes the unity and strength of the Jewish people when faced with the threat of Hamas.
The author addresses criticisms of their posts on the lack of charedi (ultra-Orthodox) involvement in the war efforts.
Palestinian poet Mosab Abu Toha, known for his writings on daily life in Gaza during Israel's conflict with Hamas, was captured by the Israeli military but subsequently released.