Tag: Idf

The article discusses the Israeli drone strike on a World Central Kitchen convoy in Gaza and questions the use of the term "tragedy" to describe the event, suggesting it was more a result of bureaucratic errors than malicious intent.
A recent trip to Israel in February revealed the lasting impact of a tragic event by Hamas on October 7.
The text discusses the importance of civil servants adhering to government policies, referencing the Public and Commercial Services Union (PCS) members in the Department for Business and Trade who threatened to stop working unless arms exports to Israel ceased.
The discussion in Shiur 463 revolves around the topic of revisiting the involvement of bachurim in the IDF, particularly addressing whether Shevet Levi is exempt from milchemes mitzvah and whether all bachurim are considered Shevet Levi.
In a 2021 podcast episode, Yehoshua Pfeffer, a haredi judge, editor, and rabbi, discusses the ongoing debate in Israeli politics about whether haredi Jews should be required to serve in the IDF.
The Israeli Defense Forces (IDF) have recently completed an operation against Hamas and Palestinian Islamic Jihad members in Gaza City's al-Shifa hospital, facing challenges in fully eradicating Hamas.
The current crisis in Israeli politics revolves around the draft of yeshivah students, following a High Court ruling in 2017 and subsequent failed attempts to pass a replacement law.
The issue of drafting yeshivah students into the Israeli army has become a focal point in Israeli politics, with the High Court ruling the exemption for Torah learners illegal in 2017.
The Israeli Defense Forces conducted a two-week operation in Gaza's Al-Shifa Hospital, uncovering weapons caches and armed terrorists, resulting in the death and arrest of hundreds of militants, including top Hamas leaders.
The Biden administration expressed outrage over an Israeli drone strike that killed seven aid workers from the World Central Kitchen in Gaza, calling for better coordination to protect civilian and humanitarian workers.
Rabbi Dovid Kornreich, reflecting a minority perspective within the charedi community influenced by anti-Zionist elements, argues against the value of Jewish sovereignty and opposes charedi military service in Israel.
Israel recently faced a significant change when the Attorney General ruled that yeshivah students are now subject to IDF drafting, with potential consequences such as slashed budgets for yeshivos due to the loss of state funding for students designated for security service.
The text discusses a controversial statement made by Rabbi Tzvi Friedman of the Yerushalmi Peleg movement, who expressed a preference for his grandchildren to eat pork or be murdered by Hamas rather than serving in the IDF.
In response to the Israeli government's decree to draft yeshiva students into the IDF, certain religious leaders are considering extreme measures to secure exemptions to ensure the survival of Torah education.
The author reflects on his 130 days of IDF reserve service in northern Israel, highlighting his unlikely friendship with a fellow soldier, Motti, despite their diverse political and religious views.
Israel is facing a contentious battle over military draft exemptions for its Haredi population, with the High Court nearing the end of a policy excusing most Haredi men from compulsory military service.
Jewish college student leaders at Binghamton University, Seth Schlank and Eytan Saenger, discuss their experiences combating antisemitism on campus following the October 7 massacre in Israel by Hamas.
The ongoing debate in Israel regarding Charedi military exemptions during times of war is causing a rift between Charedim and the rest of the country.
The article discusses the "Traumatized Israel Trope," where critics condemn Israel for alleged callousness and insensitivity in its military operations in Gaza, suggesting that Israelis have become desensitized to the suffering of Gazans.
Former IDF combat soldier Elazar Weiss reflects on his personal journey from believing in Israel's just cause to empathizing with Palestinians and recognizing the shared trauma between the two peoples.
Rabbi Yosef Shalom Elyashiv suggested that in ancient times, one person studying Torah was considered enough spiritual protection for a soldier, while today it might require ten Torah students per soldier.
The text discusses the controversy surrounding charedim not serving in the IDF, highlighting the perspectives of those both in favor and against this exemption.
The Israeli military is investigating after reservist soldiers shot and killed David Ben Avraham, a Palestinian who converted to Judaism to honor his grandfather for rescuing Jews during the 1929 Hebron riots.
An Orthodox Jewish reader raised concerns about witnessing racism among Orthodox families while also grappling with the Torah world's alignment with views he finds repugnant, particularly towards Israeli society and non-religious Jews, hindering unity.
The debate arises from a viral video showing children dressed as both yeshiva students and soldiers, sparking controversy over the message it conveys.