Tag: Immigration

The author reflects on the invasion of Ukraine by Russia and the fear and desire for peace that it evokes.
In a podcast discussion, Israeli strategic planning expert Udi Evental analyzes the war in Ukraine and its connection to Putin's actions in Syria.
The author reflects on their experience growing up in southern Brooklyn, a neighborhood known as the "vertical shtetl."
The author reflects on his upbringing in a South African Jewish community and his subsequent move to America.
Russian-speaking Jews (RSJs) in America have struggled to reconcile their Jewish identity with that of their American-born peers.
A new online resource called the Aliyah Risk Calculator helps families planning to make aliyah (immigrate to Israel) assess their chances of success.
The text is a personal reflection on the life of the author and his relationship with his brother, Tom.
The author reflects on her family's history of abandonment and estrangement, particularly her grandfather's bitterness towards her father.
The author discusses a book by journalist Jerry Kammer titled "Losing Control: How a Left-Right Coalition Blocked Immigration Reform and Provoked the Backlash that Elected Trump."
The Forward has contributed to the new Urban Archive app, which makes historical materials accessible.
On its 123rd birthday, The Forward reflects on its beginnings as a Yiddish-language daily newspaper founded in 1897 by Abraham Cahan.
A Jewish family reflects on their decision to leave the United States due to racial discrimination and marginalization, settling in Canada for safety and a better life.
The text discusses the myth of America as a nation of immigrants and challenges this narrative by highlighting that America was founded by Anglo Protestant colonists, not solely by immigrants.
Bernie Marcus, the co-founder of Home Depot, has established a foundation supporting various causes but has decided to sunset it within two decades of his passing to ensure his assets are used in alignment with his beliefs.
After immigrating to America from Tel Aviv with limited funds, the couple found themselves struggling financially, using most of their money for rent.
Bernard Malamud's story "Angel Levine" explores themes of belief, identity, and acceptance through the character of Manischevitz, a Jewish tailor who encounters a black angel in Harlem.
Allison Kaplan Sommer, Don Futterman, and Noah Efron discuss three main topics: The Blue & White party's dilemma of whether to attack the ultra-Orthodox, the Trump administration's Palestinian economic plan, and Tel Aviv's decreasing number of movie theaters.
The author reflects on the significance of preparing traditional Jewish recipes, particularly latkes, using a cookbook inherited from a Conservative congregation in Providence.
Ardie Geldman from Efrat, Israel, expresses concerns regarding the declining state of American Jewry as compared to the resilient nature of Israeli Jewry, highlighting Israel's strong communal bonds, Hebrew language, and demographic stability.
In Berlin, a rally was held in response to an anti-Semitic attack on a young Arab man wearing a kippah.
The text discusses the unique nature of Soviet Jewish cuisine, influenced by Soviet policies, anti-Jewish measures, and cultural shifts that separated it from traditional Jewish food.
A new opera titled "Morning Star" memorializes the victims of the Triangle Factory Fire, capturing the intersection of immigration, labor issues, and American-Jewish history.
Jane, a highly skilled bridal attendant in a Syrian Jewish community in Brooklyn, is known for her exceptional work ethic and ability to seamlessly navigate the customs and demands of Middle Eastern culture.
Sasha Polakow-Suransky discusses his book "Go Back to Where You Came From: The Backlash Against Immigration and the Fate of Western Democracy" which examines the surge of authoritarian populism in once strong liberal democracies.
Hans Kohn, a prominent figure in Zionism and nationalism studies, led a remarkable life from pre-World War I Prague to Cold War America.