Tag: Immigration

Irving Matlow, a 96-year-old member of Toronto's Jewish community, is making Aliyah to Israel, joining 45,000 new immigrants, including over 720 since Hamas attacks in 2023.
In this episode of the "Across the Jew. S.A" series, the focus is on exploring the Jewish community in Montreal.
Despite the ongoing crisis and war in Israel, thousands of Jews from various countries have chosen to move to Israel, also known as making aliyah.
Jews in the UK have experienced a rise in anti-Semitic incidents and threats following the Hamas atrocities in October.
The author reflects on their experience as an immigrant and the importance of Rosh Hashanah in navigating change.
In a special election for the New York State Assembly, two Orthodox candidates are vying for the seat in Queens.
Israel has evacuated over 200 people, including Israeli citizens and those eligible to immigrate to Israel, from a conflict region in Ethiopia.
This article discusses a selection of novels that reflect the anxieties and uncertainties facing the American Jewish community in recent years.
"The Shamama Case: Contesting Citizenship Across the Modern Mediterranean" by Jessica M. Marglin is a study of a 19th-century court case in Italy that explores the complexities of Jewish identity and citizenship.
The period of austerity in Israel, lasting from 1949 to 1959, was a time of limited resources and rationing due to the influx of Jewish immigrants to the newly formed state.
The excerpt is from Jerome Charyn's novel "Ravage & Son" and focuses on the protagonist, Ab Cahan, who is the editor of the Jewish Daily Forward in 1913.
The article discusses the challenges faced by American Jews during the late 19th and early 20th centuries in fitting into the American celebration of the Fourth of July.
In this narrative, the writer reflects on various influential figures from his childhood in Miami, including mentors and teachers who left lasting impressions.
This article discusses the confrontational exchange between Senator Ted Cruz and Department of Homeland Security Secretary Alejandro Mayorkas during a Senate Judiciary Committee hearing.
The author recalls a dream they had about leaving their country for good due to the danger faced by teachers.
In this op-ed, Orly Noy, an Iranian-born Mizrahi political activist and journalist, reflects on her experiences as an immigrant to Israel and discusses the sacrifices she has made to assimilate and become a "good Israeli."
Inna Movchan and Vitalli Shkarbun, a young Ukrainian couple, had to flee their wedding due to the Russian invasion and found refuge in Canada with the support of Jewish community organizations.
The article discusses the similarities and differences in the experiences of Jews and Asians in countries where they have immigrated in large numbers.
The article discusses the themes of Jewish migrations and Jewish luck in two movies featured at the New York Jewish Film Festival: the 1939 film "A brivele der mamen (A Letter to Mother)" and the documentary "Jews of the Wild West".
Israel has been experiencing a wave of immigration from Russia, Ukraine, and Belarus, with many immigrants opening businesses that cater to their culinary preferences.
The podcast episode discusses a breakthrough preventing a nationwide rail strike and its implications for upcoming elections.
The podcast discusses President Biden's statements on potential involvement if China attacked Taiwan, and his economic initiatives with eastern nations, questioning the seriousness of these policies.
In this article, Rabbi Aaron Rothkoff gives advice to new immigrants (olim) to Israel.
This text explores the author's discovery of their grandfather's second wife, Olga, who has been largely forgotten and marginalized within the family.
The ongoing conflict in Ukraine is expected to lead to a significant wave of immigration to Israel, similar to the influx witnessed in the 1990s after the collapse of the Soviet Union.