Tag: Interfaith Relations

Rabbi Sharon Kleinbaum has led Congregation Beit Simchat Torah, the largest LGBTQ+ synagogue in the nation, for 32 years and has built it into a thriving inclusive community advocating for social justice.
In 2006, President George W. Bush proclaimed May as Jewish American History Month to celebrate the contributions of Jewish Americans.
During the Eurovision Song Contest in 2024, Israel's participation became a focal point of protests, reflecting a deep global divide over Israel and Gaza.
Mainline Christian churches are increasingly critical of Israel, with congregations like the Episcopalians and Presbyterians passing resolutions against Israel and promoting anti-Semitic and anti-Israel rhetoric.
The letters to the editor cover various topics related to the Jewish community in the UK.
The letters to the editor cover a range of topics including the debate on a Palestinian state next to Israel, criticism of Hamas and support for its destruction, defending Netanyahu's achievements despite his flaws, mixed feelings about Jewish holidays and concerns over events in Israel, the importance of building relations between the Jewish, Hindu, Sikh, and Chinese communities, and the establishment and accomplishments of the British Indian Jewish Association to foster ties between the Indian and Jewish communities in the UK based on common values and shared aspirations.
A group of young Jewish philanthropists formed the Slingshot Giving Circle on Antisemitism in response to the rising antisemitism in the American Jewish community.
In this personal narrative, Moishele Alfonso reflects on his experience of wearing a yarmulke in public amidst rising antisemitism.
The text discusses the impact of recent events, including the October 7 bombing and Gaza conflict, on Jewish-Muslim interfaith initiatives, particularly referencing a canceled joint pilgrimage to Spain and Morocco due to heightened tensions.
Mark Treyger, the CEO of the Jewish Community Relations Council (JCRC), plans to address the rise in antisemitism through education.
The author, a Religious Zionist and Modern Orthodox Jew in the United Kingdom, discusses what it means to be a Religious Zionist in daily life.
Reinhold Niebuhr and Abraham Joshua Heschel were influential American religious figures of the last century and unlikely friends.
Davids Brisket House, a Muslim-owned delicatessen in Brooklyn, has become known for its exceptional Jewish pastrami and brisket.
In various communities throughout North America, Orthodox Jewish synagogues are engaging in altruistic projects to help their non-Jewish neighbors and improve inter-group relations.
The author reflects on the influence of her two mothers on her identity as a woman, wife, and mother.
Queen Elizabeth II, the longest-serving monarch of Britain, has passed away at the age of 96.
The Forward has won a record-breaking 43 Simon Rockower Awards for Excellence in Jewish Journalism at the 41st American Jewish Press Associations annual ceremony.
The article discusses the need for Muslim-Jewish reconciliation and the challenges in achieving this.
This text discusses the importance of interfaith relations in modern Judaism and Jewish statehood.
Rabbi Herman Naftali Neuberger, a German Jewish refugee who escaped to the US in 1938, played a significant role in saving and supporting the Persian Jewish community following the Iranian Revolution.
In this episode of People of the Pod, Laura Shaw Frank, a Jewish American, and Saeed Khan, a Muslim American, discuss the impact of the 9/11 terror attacks on their respective communities and the progress made in interfaith relations since then.
The article discusses two sessions from the AJC Virtual Global Forum 2021.
In this podcast episode, Representative Ted Deutch discusses the opposition to unilateral annexation and the future of the U.S.-Israel relationship.
Activists in St. Louis are considering changing the city's name, which was named after King Louis IX, known for anti-Semitic actions such as expelling Jewish moneylenders and burning Jewish texts.
The author recalls reconnecting with their paternal grandparents after years of estrangement, only to discover their grandfather's death online.