Tag: Intergenerational Trauma

"The Forbidden Daughter" by Zipora Klein Jakob is a fictionalized Holocaust biography that delves into the multi-generational impact of trauma and loss, rather than focusing solely on the Holocaust itself.
The Israeli comedy show "The Jews Are Coming" aired a sketch addressing intergenerational Jewish trauma following a recent tragic event on October 7.
Marsha Lederman, a writer and columnist who is the daughter of Holocaust survivors, explores the concept of intergenerational trauma in her book "Kiss the Red Stairs."
The text recounts the experiences of the author's grandmother and family during and after World War II, detailing the chaos and challenges they faced living in a communal apartment in Moscow.
Dr. Rachel Yehuda, a prominent figure in the study of intergenerational trauma and resilience, discusses how trauma is inherited across generations and how Jewish holidays can aid in fostering resilience amidst trauma.
The text explores the theme of intergenerational trauma stemming from the Holocaust and its impact on descendants, as seen in recent works of fiction like Courtney Sender's short stories and Ruth Rakoff's novel.
British Jewish author Toby Lloyd, in his debut novel "Fervour," integrates elements of Orthodoxy, family dynamics, Holocaust trauma, and Kabbalistic mysticism within a horror narrative.
Tova Hopemark, the director of the award-winning film "ALRIGHT ROBOT," discusses her inspiration for the comedy about depression featuring a lonely Jewish millennial connecting with a robot.
Actor Jesse Eisenberg has directed and stars in a new movie called "A Real Pain," which recently sold for $10 million at Sundance to Searchlight Pictures.
In the wake of recent events, such as the attacks on Israeli Jews by Hamas and the rise of antisemitic incidents around the world, many Jews are feeling a strong emotional response.
The article discusses a recent reunion of former campers and staff from Camp Hemshekh, a Jewish socialist summer camp in the Catskills that operated from 1959 to 1978.
"The Ghetto Within" by Santiago H. Amigorena tells the story of the author's grandfather, Vicente Rosenberg, who migrates to Buenos Aires in 1928 to escape Polish antisemitism.
Holocaust survivors in Australia have been sharing their personal stories with students through Bnai Brith Courage to Care for the past 30 years.
This article explores the various responses of Orthodox Jewish communities to COVID-19 restrictions and analyzes them from social, cultural, and theological perspectives.