Tag: Intifada

The video explores the reasons behind the Israeli left's support for the security barrier around the West Bank amid rising conflicts and terrorism.
Israeli students and academics on U.S. college campuses face a challenging environment due to anti-Israel sentiments, leading to ostracization, threats, and hostility, even when they try to engage in dialogue or explain their perspectives.
Jewish college students are grappling with a range of emotions and perspectives amidst campus protests related to the Israel-Hamas conflict.
The author reflects on the changing landscape for American Jewish students at Brown University, highlighting a shift from the traditional American Jewish dream of education, career, and community support to one clouded by anti-Israel sentiment on college campuses.
Dozens of student anti-Israel protesters at Columbia University in New York City were arrested by police and removed from Hamilton Hall after barricading themselves inside with banners supporting the Intifada.
The Biden administration has denounced the pro-Palestinian student occupation of a Columbia University building, specifically criticizing their use of the term "intifada" as hate speech.
The author reflects on a time in 1989 when Bishop Desmond Tutu visited Jerusalem and brought a sense of hope for peace between Israelis and Palestinians.
The author highlights the growing shift among Israeli Jews and Palestinians towards militaristic jingoism and right-wing politics, leading to a lack of support for a two-state solution.
The word "intifada" has become central to pro-Palestinian protests, with some viewing it as a call for violence against Jews and others seeing it as a peaceful term calling for a nonviolent uprising against Israeli occupation.
The recent increase in antisemitic acts in France, in response to the conflict between Israel and Hamas, has sparked concerns about the potential for an intifada, or uprising, in the country.
The author discusses the strategy used by establishment American Jewish organizations to shift the focus of conversations about Israel away from the actions of the Israeli government and towards allegations of anti-Semitism made against critics of Israel.
The podcast discusses the escalating violence in Israel and the shift from calls for ceasefires to open calls for an "intifada" in the United States, reflecting Palestinian attacks on Jews over the years.
The article discusses the current crisis of unity within the IDF, the people's army of Israel.
In the West Bank near Nablus, a new chapter in the Israeli-Palestinian Conflict is unfolding.
In this podcast episode, Nimrod Novik and Ibrahim Eid Dalalsha discuss the recent escalation of violence between Israelis and Palestinians in the West Bank, and the chances for de-escalation.
Amidst rising tensions in the West Bank, experts Nimrod Novik and Ibrahim Eid Dalalsha discuss the recent violence between Israelis and Palestinians with host Neri Zilber.
Oren Kessler, a journalist and author, delves into his new book "Palestine 1936: The Great Revolt and the Roots of the Middle East Conflict," which explores a significant event in Jewish-Arab relations in Palestine and Israel.
In this discussion, journalist and author Oren Kessler talks about his book "Palestine 1936: The Great Revolt and the Roots of the Middle East Conflict."
In this opinion piece, the author expresses her shock and anger at activists who are calling for the globalizing of the intifada, viewing it as a demand for violence rather than peace.
Two shocking attacks have brought ISIS back into the spotlight in Israel.
Yonit and Jonathan discuss differing perspectives on Ukrainian President Zelenskiy's speech to the Israeli parliament.
Jewish groups have threatened legal action against a public library in New Jersey if they proceed with a scheduled reading of the children's book "P is for Palestine" due to its controversial inclusion of "I is for Intifada."
In this episode of Unorthodox, the conversation delves into the '90s nostalgia with topics including the Intifada at UC Irvine, the character Andrea Zuckerman from 90210, and a Clinton running for president.
After a suicide bombing in Jerusalem, Dr. Avraham Bauer and his son Yehonathon were severely injured, with Yehonathon suffering a brain wound that left him blind and paralyzed.