Tag: Jewish Festival

Shavuot is celebrated with indulgent treats like cheesecake, and this recipe offers a decadent Maltesers cheesecake that is easy to make without baking.
A video demonstrating how to make the perfect soft boiled eggs for Passover.
This Pesach, amidst the celebration of freedom and the retelling of the Exodus story, there is a call to remember those who are currently held captive, specifically over 100 individuals taken hostage in a tragic event in October.
In light of recent antisemitic violence and the Israel-Hamas war, Rabbi Aviva Richman reflects on the complex lessons of the Purim story, focusing on themes of Jewish vulnerability and the use of force for self-defense.
Menorah Grammar, an Orthodox school in London, has alerted parents in advance that students engaging in disruptive behavior involving smoke bombs or fire alarms during Purim will face consequences such as warnings and refundable deposits.
Shemini Atzeret marks the end of the Succot festival and reflects on the celebration of the Temple's inauguration in Jerusalem by King Solomon.
Succot, the festival of dwelling in temporary booths, holds deep symbolic significance reflecting the diversity within Jewish tradition.
In this article by Rabbi Joseph Dweck, he explores the significance of Purim as an existential festival.
Linke Fligl, a queer Jewish chicken farm in New York, celebrates Sukkot in a unique way.
The author, Kopel, reminisces about his childhood and his experience of Simchat Torah, a festive Jewish holiday.
Amid the COVID-19 disruptions, the relevance of Shakespeare's works during times of crisis has been noted, with themes of pestilence and productivity resonating.
The author recounts their experience leading Rosh Hashanah services for Jewish inmates at Rikers Island, emphasizing the profound impact of connecting with the incarcerated individuals on a personal level.
Tablet HQ recently held a Thanksgivukkah haiku contest garnering over 170 entries, with recurring themes of dreidels, latkes, oil, candles, family, turkeys, and thankfulness.