Tag: Jewish History

An educational lecture delivered via Zoom discussing the diasporas of Ashkenazim and Sefardim at Beth Jacob Synagogue in Beverly Hills, CA.
The text discusses several key points about the Israeli-Palestinian conflict.
In 1614, the Jews in Frankfurt faced antisemitic persecution led by Vincenz Fettmilch but were quickly restored to their homes and rights.
In the midst of Ukraine's ongoing war, Ukrainian Jews, like 17-year-old Sonia Bunina, continue to show resilience and determination.
In the podcast episode "The Diary of Glikl: Discovering the Exceptional within the Everyday" hosted by Jonathan Schwab and Yael Steiner, the focus is on Glikl, an 18th-century Jewish woman from Germany whose diary offers insight into personal struggles and triumphs.
In this discussion, the focus is on the Vilna Gaon's theory of Incongruent Actions, exploring the deeper reasons behind significant events like Nathan of Gaza's downfall rather than attributing them solely to Torah commitment or fear of Hashem.
In this poignant piece by Sharon Packer, the author reflects on a unique typewriter repair shop in a neighborhood filled with aspiring writers.
Hen Mazzig, an Israeli author and founder of The Tel Aviv Institute, emphasizes the need to counter the false colonialism narrative about Israel.
Portugal holds a rich Jewish history worth exploring, especially during Passover in Lisbon, a city filled with Jewish heritage.
The text discusses the challenges of combatting antisemitism and negative attitudes towards Jews, particularly related to Israel.
The video explores the extraordinary life of Captain Artur de Barros Basto, a prominent Portuguese Jew of the 20th century known as the Apostle of the Marranos.
Haaretz, Israel's oldest daily newspaper, has been accused of being anti-Israel and anti-Jewish.
Cynthia Ozick's short fiction, "The Story of My Family," explores the real-life kidnapping of Edgardo Mortara, a Jewish boy who was secretly baptized and taken away from his family by the Pope in the 1850s.
Ian Buruma's new biography, "Spinoza: Freedoms Messiah," presents the 17th-century philosopher Baruch Spinoza as a champion of free thought, whose ideas about the nature of God were highly controversial in both the Jewish and Calvinist communities.
"Cable Street" is a new musical showcasing the Battle of Cable Street, where Jews and others stood against Oswald Mosley's fascists in 1936.
The podcast episode explores Revisionist Zionist leader Vladimir Jabotinsky's unique vision of Zionism, emphasizing strength and diplomacy in the pursuit of a Jewish homeland.
The Lillian and Albert Small Capital Jewish Museum is the first museum in Washington, D.C. dedicated to the history of Jewish life in the city and the ways Jews engage with Washington in the present.
A journalist visited the set of the upcoming TV series based on the book "The Tattooist of Auschwitz" in Slovakia, drawn by the powerful story of Lali Sokolov, a Holocaust survivor.
The author discovers his familial connection to the Jewish Lower East Side of New York through his great-great-grandfather, Sender Jarmulowsky, who played a crucial role in building the community.
The podcast episode delves into the complexities of how the world perceives Israel and its implications for Israeli foreign policy.
The Ballarat Synagogue in Australia, established during the gold rush in the mid-19th century, continues to hold monthly Orthodox Shabbat services and pray for the well-being of the British monarch.
In this essay, Fania Oz-Salzberger, a history professor, declares herself a humanist Zionist despite the challenges faced by Zionism.
In this article, Paul Shaviv discusses the current global wave of antisemitism and highlights the historical waves of antisemitism that have shaped our understanding of this phenomenon.
Joanne Greenaway reflects on her recent visit to Israel, where she encountered inspiring stories of resilience and unity among the Jewish people, emphasizing the importance of storytelling in Jewish education and identity.
The article discusses the growing trend in contemporary theater to explore Jewish trauma and suffering, particularly in relation to the Holocaust.