Tag: Jewish History

In this essay by Saul Goldman, the author explores the relationship between Zionism and Messianism in the context of Jewish history and identity.
The author reflects on the lack of understanding and explanation about why Judaism is remarkable, particularly outside of its religious and Zionist aspects.
The episode discusses the governmental crisis during the Gaza War, exploring the challenges in modern government structures and why there is a crisis currently.
Renowned British director Steve McQueen's new film set in Amsterdam, inspired by the book "Atlas of an Occupied City," explores the Nazi occupation of Amsterdam during the Holocaust, distinct from Covid lockdowns.
In this episode of Jewish History Nerds, Yael and Schwab discuss the world of 18th-century Jewish mysticism through the life of Hillel Ba'al Shem and his manuscript "Sefer HaCheshek."
The article explores the complex history of the eggplant in medieval Spain, particularly its association with Sephardic Jews.
Philo of Alexandria, a contemporary of Hillel and Shammai, is a figure in Jewish history whose unique position and enduring relevance deserve attention.
In "The Holocaust: An Unfinished History," Dan Stone challenges common misconceptions about the Holocaust, arguing that it was not solely a German project but a continent-wide crime with far-reaching implications for contemporary politics.
Moshe Klein, a globetrotter, visited Kolkata, India, hoping to discover remnants of its Jewish community.
In a podcast episode discussing the power of personal narratives in shaping perspectives, Beth Perkel delves into the story of Jethro, often overlooked in Jewish tradition, highlighted in the Torah portion read recently.
In this article, the author explores the historical context of Jewish suffering and persecution in Alexandria and Judea during the early Common Era, highlighting the similarities between the experiences of Jews in both regions.
In this article, the author discusses the perception and understanding of Zionism in Israel and around the world.
The article discusses the juxtaposition of the Holocaust Memorial and the Lod Massacre Memorial in San Juan, Puerto Rico.
The author reflects on their recent trip to Israel, highlighting the resilience and creativity of Israeli society in the face of war and challenges.
A YouTube creator receives the Silver Play Creator Award for reaching 100k subscribers interested in Jewish History, expressing gratitude and looking forward to future learning.
The text discusses the historical pattern of the United States undermining Israeli interests in the Middle East.
This article discusses the experiences of the author, who volunteered for 10 days in Israel during a time of conflict.
Eva Illouz, a renowned sociologist, discusses the profound impact of the Hamas massacre in Israel and the subsequent military response.
In "The Etgar Quiz no 257," a set of trivia questions related to Jewish history and culture are presented.
In this episode of Mishpacha Magazine's podcast, the focus is on Glikl of Hameln, a well-known figure in Jewish history.
"Voices From the Tunnels" is a secret exhibit that recreates the Gaza tunnels where 136 hostages are being held.
The episode discusses the successes of Israel in the Gaza War and attributes them to historical factors that have built trust in the IDF as an institution.
In a discussion forum on Reddit, participants were asked to describe their Jewish observance in three words and share what it means to them.
Join Yael and Schwab in exploring the remarkable life of Devorah Romm, a trailblazing 19th-century Jewish businesswoman from Lithuania who revolutionized the literary scene in Eastern European Jewish communities.
In 1948, a terrorist bombing targeted The Palestine Post newsroom, soon to become The Jerusalem Post, as Israel neared independence.