Tag: Jewish Resistance

The video explores the history of Judaism in Scandinavia from 1682 to the present day, covering topics such as early contact, Jewish immigration to Denmark and Sweden, the Dano-Jewish Golden Age, resistance efforts in Norway during World War II, and the current Jewish communities in the Nordic countries.
The author commends Jewish students observing Shabbat and performing mitzvot at the United for Palestine encampment at the University of Chicago, clarifying their enthusiastic support for these actions, which were featured in a Chicago Tribune article.
A video from a Yom Hashoah event in New York City honors the Warsaw Ghetto fighters and commemorates the six million Jews murdered by the Nazis.
During the commemoration of the 81st anniversary of the Warsaw Ghetto Uprising in Poland, a pro-Palestinian demonstrator briefly disrupted the event by placing flowers and displaying a Palestinian flag on stage.
During the Passover of 1943 in the Warsaw Ghetto, a small group of Jewish prisoners launched a courageous resistance against their Nazi oppressors.
Hulu's series "We Were the Lucky Ones," based on the book by Georgia Hunter, follows the Kurc family in Poland during the Holocaust.
Elie Wiesel reflects on the courage and tragedy of the young Jewish fighters in the Warsaw ghetto uprising, highlighting their isolation and the world's indifference to their struggle.
In Saul Goldman's guest essay, he addresses the concept of silence being a deadly sin, urging Diaspora Jews to speak up and act against rising antisemitism.
Actor Jesse Eisenberg has directed and stars in a new movie called "A Real Pain," which recently sold for $10 million at Sundance to Searchlight Pictures.
The PBS documentary "Nazi Town, USA" explores the period in the 1930s when American citizens, affected by the Great Depression and influenced by racist policies and eugenic ideas, aligned themselves with groups like the German American Bund.
In this essay by Maya Rosen, it is explored what it means to be in exile from a Jewish perspective.
"We Must Not Think of Ourselves" by Lauren Grodstein explores the Jewish resistance during the Holocaust, focusing on the experiences of narrator Adam Paskow in the Warsaw Ghetto.
Nechama Tec, a Jewish sociologist and Holocaust survivor, died recently at the age of 92.
Rabbi Dr. Hillel Goldberg's book, "Across the Expanse of Jewish Thought: From the Holocaust to Halakhah and Beyond," offers a collection of fourteen essays exploring a wide range of topics in Jewish thought.
The author reflects on their childhood experience of being exposed to violent and traumatizing imagery related to the Holocaust without much consideration for the history of Jewish resistance.
The texts in question cover a range of topics related to Jewish history, literature, and culture.
In her book X Troop, Jewish historian Leah Garrett tells the little-known story of a group of Jewish refugees from Eastern Europe who became secret commandos for the British Army during World War II.
"The Survivor" is a film directed by Barry Levinson and based on the true story of Arnot Lembergers, a Jewish man who helped save Jews during the Holocaust while struggling with personal dilemmas.
This article discusses the cultural life in the Vilna Ghetto during the German occupation from 1941 to 1943.
"The Light of Days" by Judy Batalion uncovers the untold stories of brave Jewish women who were part of the resistance during WWII.
During the Holocaust, a group of young Jewish women formed the Jewish Fighting Organization (ZOB) in the Warsaw ghetto.
During the Cold War, Soviet Jews and dissidents used Christmas trees as a form of resistance against Communist oppression, which included a ban on religious holidays and a war on Christmas.
The menorah, with its 3000-year history and intricate design, holds a unique place as a religious symbol.
The Yizkor, 1943 essay reflects on the destruction of the Warsaw Ghetto during the Holocaust, focusing on the tragic fate of the Jewish community in the face of Nazi atrocities.