Tag: Jewish Studies

Geoffrey Levin, an Assistant Professor at Emory University, discusses his book "Our Palestine Question: Israel and American Jewish Dissent, 1948-1978," shedding light on the lesser-known history of American Jewish criticism of Israel during its early years and how it was suppressed.
The Spertus Institute for Jewish Learning and Leadership in Chicago offers a unique Masters of Arts in Jewish Professional Studies (MAJPS) program designed to support Jewish community professionals with skills, leadership training, and a strong network.
Rabbi Leon Morris, in his address at Hebrew Union College-Jewish Institute of Religion, stresses the need for a new approach in American Reform Judaism that emphasizes Jewish learning, community cohesion, and a reconnection to Jewish peoplehood.
Jewish studies scholars in Ukraine are showcasing resilience and dedication amidst the ongoing crises in their country, highlighting valuable lessons for the global Jewish community.
Frieda Johles Forman, a pioneering feminist in Jewish studies and literature, passed away at 87.
The discussion revolves around the division among American Jews following Israel's conflict with Gaza, affecting various institutions like synagogues.
The text discusses how the pro-Palestine movement has excelled in organizing on college campuses compared to Jewish groups, highlighting the need for liberal Zionists to learn from their tactics.
This episode delves into the early life of the speaker's father, reflecting on how he ended up in a small town in Alabama, his experiences growing up in the South, the life lessons gained from excelling in High School football, and his journey to becoming a rocket scientist.
The essay discusses the intersection of antisemitism and anti-Israel sentiment in the aftermath of a significant event, noting a distinction between traditional antisemitism and modern anti-Israelism.
Israel studies and Jewish studies programs are highlighted as crucial fields within academia that offer profound insights into Jewish traditions, Israel's history and complexities, and global societal issues.
In an episode of the 18Forty Podcast sponsored by Joel and Lynn Mael in memory of Estelle and Nysen Mael, historian and author Zev Eleff discusses the development of Jewish denominations in America.
This YouTube video provides a historical background to the Israel-Gaza conflict as part of a webinar series by Project Witness.
The text discusses the growing tensions for Jewish students on college campuses, particularly in the context of pro-Palestinian protests and the response from Jewish studies professors who often lean left.
Eden Primary School in Muswell Hill has been commended by Ofsted for maintaining its status as a good school post-Covid inspection, with pupils demonstrating maturity, kindness, and enthusiasm for learning.
Dartmouth College faced sharp criticism for calling in riot police to remove a pro-Palestinian encampment on campus, including the arrest of 90 people, including students and a Jewish studies professor.
King David Primary School in Birmingham, which has a majority of Muslim students, has been rated outstanding for its Jewish studies.
The Independent Jewish Day School in Hendon has been rated outstanding by Pikuach for its Jewish studies, with high levels of teaching and learning.
This week's episode of a Jewish podcast discusses the challenges involved in understanding Ancient Egypt's history, particularly the connection between Ancient Egyptian documentation and Egyptian idolatry.
After six years of service, Katherine Brice, the headteacher of Hasmonean High School for Girls, is set to retire in January.
North West London Jewish Day School in Willesden is facing financial challenges, partly attributing the drop in French pupils after Brexit as a factor affecting their income.
The article discusses the evolving dynamics of leadership within couples, specifically focusing on the roles of rabbis and rebbetzins in modern times.
Israeli author Maya Arad's collection "The Hebrew Teacher" introduces English readers to her poignant novellas, set in the U.S. and centered on Israeli characters grappling with issues of Jewishness, Israeliness, and family dynamics.
"Hasidus Meets America: The Life and Torah of the Monastryshcher Rebbe" by Professor Ora Wiskind sheds light on Rabbi Yehoshua Heschel Rabinowitz, a Chassidic leader in the US who combined Chassidic teachings with openness towards societal changes, as outlined in selected teachings and a biographical sketch.
Jewish actor Ike Barinholtz, known for roles in TV and film comedies, won on Jeopardy! by answering a question about the ancient Roman poet Ovid in the Tournament of Champions, surpassing a Jewish studies professor from Philadelphia.
Dr. Geoffrey Levin, Assistant Professor at Emory University, delves into his book "Our Palestine Problem: Israel and American Jewish Dissent, 1948-1978," which examines the early anti-Zionist and pro-Palestinian intellectuals who emerged after Israel's founding.