Tag: Jewish Studies

This week's Antisemitism Monitor reports on several incidents of antisemitism in different parts of the world.
This discussion delves into understanding R' Chaim Volozhin's perspective on Torah Lishma and how it relates to the insights of the Vilna Gaon.
According to a discussion on the /r/Jewish subreddit, the recent conflict between Israel and Hamas has had a profound impact on the priorities and activism of some Jewish individuals.
The author shares their personal journey of faith and the challenges they faced in their pursuit of a religious identity.
Spencer Lewis, the executive head of Yavneh College, has celebrated a decade of leadership at the school, highlighting the unique challenges and joys of being a headteacher.
This episode of Adventures in Jewish Studies examines the experiences of Ashkenazi and Sephardic Jews who migrated to various American colonies in the late seventeenth century, such as Georgia, New York, Pennsylvania, Rhode Island, and South Carolina.
Rabbi Julia Watts Belser, a disabled woman, approaches Torah and Jewish tradition from a disability perspective, aiming to center the wisdom of queer, feminist, and disabled Jews.
The author reflects on his journey in Jewish studies, starting with an interview with Gershom Scholem, who emphasized the need to breathe new life into the field.
Bedales, a boarding school in Hampshire, has decided to minimize the number of GCSEs its students take, focusing instead on tailor-made courses.
The Cult of Antizionism is an article that discusses the establishment of the Institute for the Critical Study of Zionism (ICSZ) by a group of anti-Israel academics and BDS activists.
In this discussion, Jon Levenson explores the meaning of the binding of Isaac, a story found in chapter 22 of Genesis.
In this discussion, Jonathan Silver speaks with Jon Levenson, a professor of Jewish studies, about the story of the Binding of Isaac from Genesis 22.
This article discusses the controversy surrounding the phrase "L'Shana Tova" as a greeting for Rosh Hashanah.
Measuring success in a Jewish classroom raises questions about what defines achievement in Jewish studies, emphasizing the balance between collective standards and individual progress.
Tech mogul Elon Musk has threatened to file a $4 billion lawsuit against the Anti-Defamation League (ADL), accusing them of being the biggest generators of antisemitism on Twitter.
Professor Oren Yiftachel delves into his extensive research on colonial regimes, identities, and futures in Israel and Palestine, focusing on the impact of geography and urban planning on these dynamics.
A recent GOP debate discussed issues related to Israel and George Soros.
Pikuach, the inspection service for Jewish studies accredited by the Department for Education, has decided to maintain its practice of providing schools with one-word overall grades following Ofsted's example.
Chava Lapin, a renowned Yiddish teacher and scholar, passed away at the age of 89.
Gershom Scholem, an influential figure in the field of Jewish Studies, played a crucial role in pioneering the study of Jewish mysticism and influencing the Zionist movement.
Melanie Lee, the head of JCoSS, a pluralist Jewish secondary school known for fostering mensches, is determined to uphold high standards despite the school's achievements, including positive inspection reports and praise for its Jewish studies program.
Clore Tikva, a primary school in Redbridge, received an outstanding rating for its Jewish studies program, surpassing its previous inspection.
The Network of Engaged Canadian Academics (NECA) has been established to support Jewish professors facing antisemitism on university campuses, with founders Deidre Butler and Cary Kogan sharing personal experiences of anti-Israel and antisemitic incidents in their workplaces.
The Ivy League schools, once known as a pathway to success for American Jews, are now admitting fewer Jewish students than before.
Christopher Silver, a professor of Jewish Studies at McGill University and author of Recording History, joins Bonjour Chai to delve into the Sephardic side of Passover celebrations and explore Mimouna and its cultural significance.