Tag: Jewish Teachings

Exploring the concept of giant grapes in the Parshah, this episode of Parshah Rabbit Hole delves into record-setting watermelons.
In this reflection on the importance of positive feedback and recognizing strengths, Rabbi Dr. Josh Joseph shares a personal story of how a friend's simple acknowledgment of his talents helped him through a dark time of self-doubt.
The article discusses the importance of teaching children to give and how it leads to genuine happiness.
Exploring the consequences for bullies in the afterlife and discussing the ethical treatment of supernatural bears in this episode of Parshah Rabbit Hole.
The text discusses the concept of trust in the context of the weekly Torah portion Behar, focusing on the mitzvah of shmittah and the observance of Shabbat.
Rabbi Gordon explains the significance of counting the Omer for 49 days in a Torah teaching video.
The text describes personal anecdotes related to financial matters and the concept of bitachon, or trust in God.
In "Fallout: Chapter 47," Fred Burton expresses frustration and resentment towards his daughter's behavior, feeling the need for discipline and a reality check.
The discussion explores the theme of loneliness, empathy, and unity in the context of the Talmudic story of Choni and the weekly Torah portion Metzora.
The article discusses how Talmudic teachings can offer insights into the Israel-Hamas war and its impact.
The author reflects on the pride they feel in being part of the Jewish people, particularly in light of the sacrifices made by Israeli soldiers.
Exploring the connection between crocodiles and Torah, this episode delves into the symbolism and significance of the plague of frogs in Parshah Vaera.
A personal anecdote is shared about a 14-year-old who was entrusted with caring for their rebbi, Rav Henoch Leibowitz, who was scheduled for surgery and had no one else available.
This article highlights four children's books with Jewish themes.
The article discusses the role of Chabad in harnessing technology for positive purposes in the Jewish community.
Rabbi Fine argues that exams like GCSEs and A-Levels are outdated in the 21st century and do not cater to the diverse skills needed in the modern workforce.
The author shares their personal experience of feeling overwhelmed by recent tragic events related to Israel and anti-Semitism.
The discussion in this week's parashah, Nitzavim-Vayelech, focuses on personal growth and change as we approach the New Year.
Recent events in Israel and the United States have raised questions about leadership and followership during times of crisis.
In Parshat Ekev, Moses describes the Land of Israel as a place of abundance and prosperity, contrasting it with the negative images and fear described by the leaders who scouted the land in Numbers 13.
In a letter to the editor, David Schoen criticizes an article that discusses Herschel Siegel's suicide.
This article discusses a letter written by Jennifer Marks, a member of the Atlanta Orthodox community and a friend of the Siegel family.
This episode delves into the teachings of R Elimelech's renowned Tzetil Katan, exploring how these lessons can be practically understood and applied in our lives.
In this article, a mother writes to the advice column of The Forward expressing concern for her neurodivergent son who is struggling with growing up and seems to be lagging behind his siblings.
Cancel culture is a significant issue for Jews and liberal democracy.